Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Let the Blooming Begin!

Finally, I have lots of new bloomers!  I don't even know where to begin. I will just pick a few to showcase for Blooming Tuesday as I know most of you don't want to see a dozen or more pictures today!

First I will show the lupine that I featured awhile back.  It turned out to be pink and quite lovely.

I have to say that this is one of my biggest and best lupine blooms.  I am doing the happy dance over this one!

I also had one white poppy bloom. I LOVE this poppy called 'Royal Wedding', BUT....
I am very disappointed as I expected many white poppy blooms as this is the third year for these Breck's poppies.  Most of you know I order from Breck's and I have not been happy the past few years.  You all know the saying..........the first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they LEAP!  Hmmmmmmmmmm, one bloom is no leap in my book.  I planted six poppies  (2 of 3 varieties) and this year I  have a total of 4 buds..........4 buds total for six plants--not good!

I have long forgotten where I planted which color, so I am pretty excited to see what these two luscious buds will morph in to--I am hoping they will be the gorgeous salmon-colored 'Queen Alexander'.

Update 5:00 pm:  I got home from work and the two buds opened.  I was a little let down to see they were white.
I still have two buds to open on another plant. I think that one has to be either purple or salmon.

I also have two different colored spiderworts blooming--the typical blue and the less seen magenta:
I seem to have alot of magenta this year. I probably dug up a lot of blue and threw it out last year.  It tends to take over and sometimes my patience wears thin and I just toss it out in the wooded area where it usually continues to bloom even though there is very little sun back there.  You really can't kill this plant.

Right next to the magenta spiderwort, I have an allium 'Christopherii' blooming. 
This guy started out HUGE - like 12 inches across - now I can fit it in in my palm.  I really hate how my allium get smaller and smaller each year - that is those that return - most them just die out. I love allium, but I have to treat it like an annual to get the best blooms.  That can be pretty expensive, so I don't do it.  Do any of you have this problem with allium?

My MIL gave me this white-flowering plant. She called it Sweet Annie..........it has the most wonderful sweet smell..........do any of you grow this herb? 

I have a few clumps of Dutch Iris blooming. I like them next to these chives:

Last, but not least, I show you the promise of  flowers to come:
I think I enjoy the peony buds almost as much as the flowers.

Be sure to go and visit the other participants at Jean's Blooming Tuesday.


  1. Your gardens are so full. Love the Lupine. Do you save your poppy seeds and scatter them again? Just an idea...

  2. Everything look lovely. The Lupines are wonderful. Love the colors.

  3. Zoey you certainly do have lots of colour in the garden and lots more to come.... Do love the poppy. You are right tho would be nice for it to have more flowers perhaps next year..

  4. Hi Zoey,

    Wonderful garden tour of what is blooming! Your Lupine is stunning. Thanks for stopping to visit me.

  5. Hi Zoey! Big beautiful and colorful photos! Love them! No, I would not get tired of seeing lots more! :) The Dutch iris and chives picture is lovely. Never heard of Sweet Annie, but she's pretty! We planted lupine for the first time this year as I brought a packet back from PEI as a souvenir for my daughter. We'll see if they grow in our climate. Enjoyed your Bloomin' Tuesday!

  6. Sweet annie looks like a white allium?? Love it! Your garden looks like it benefited from all the rain! Great job as always, Zoey!

  7. Your garden looks so lush and beautiful! Your photos are wonderful!

  8. Zoey..all I can say is 'gorgeous'!! Hey what was it that you painted blue..did I miss that?
    Looks like rain today..a little shower would be welcome!

  9. you have such a beautiful yard and flowers,,im very envious.

  10. Your garden is looking fabulous Zoey. Love the lupines, not something I can grow. Your iris and chives look nice together, such a striking colour!

  11. Your garden is awesome. Michigan must a wonderful garden state. My little garden is struggling this year. The Governor has declared out state a disaster area due to the drought. We water all the time but it is not like a good soaking rain. We have not had one of those this year.
    I am a new follower. Ginger :)

  12. Wow-look at the flowers! I also like the Lupines. I see you are a month or so behind us with irises and peonies. I'm happy to look at yours again. : )

  13. Such stunning flowers, Zoey! Your peonies are at the same point mine are but your lupines are ahead of mine, but only by a couple of days because I noticed mine are just about ready to start opening:-) I had planted two Oriental Poppies plants 3 years ago and they didn't form any flowers at all the first two years but now there's 3 buds and one of them is starting to open so I'm thrilled.

    You were asking about my maiden name...it's pronounced "Say-gan":-)xoxo

  14. Everything looks green and gorgeous! Your poppies are beautiful:@)

  15. Your garden has certainly come alive! The different shades of pink lupine are lovely. I've grown Sweet Annie but that doesn't look like it. Can't wait to see the peony! Jean

  16. I've never heard of lupine! what an unusual flower! Very attractive. I love your magenta spiderwort too. I have the typical blue/purple variety. I didn't realize there was the other color. I enjoyed seeing all your blooms for Bloomin' Tuesday!

  17. Your gardens are Beautiful! I love the lupines and poppy. As for your allium I don''t have an answer. Mine do great here, however, I can't grow lupines. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am a new follower!

  18. Gorgeous garden you have there! I would love to try growing lupine next year..

  19. Love, love your Lupines! And everything is really starting to pop in your garden. You have plants starting to bloom that are long since spent in my garden. Guess I will get to enjoy a second flush of my favorites by perusing your pics. :)

  20. Thx for stopping by my new blog! Love your photos! I have just signed up to follow you. Please stop by and be a follower of Flea Market Lady too. Thanks again!

  21. beautiful!!! love to see more!!


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