Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I am Getting Tired

It is just impossible to get all the work done that needs doing while off work for one week.  I have done a good deal of garden work. There is still tons more to do, but it keeps raining, so I work outside a few hours each day, but mainly I have been occupied with indoor tasks.  I posted about it here, so just click if you want to know the price I pay for being a semi-hoarder.

And what the heck is going on with Blogger? I am getting fed up. This morning I was able to post a comment on one blog and then everything stopped working.  I just tried to add a picture here and I got this...

what the heck is this??

I don't want to get a pic from Google. I JUST WANT TO GET TO MY DESKTOP!   OK, I am already frustrated, so I am just stopping here.  Hopefully, Blogger will be back to normal tomorrow.

I hope so!


  1. Stopping by for a long overdue hello :)
    We have had cool and wet here too. But the last three days have at least been like spring. Hopefully summer doesn`t forget us!


  2. Oh well, I tried to post a comment to tell you to hang in there, but it disappeared. I'm sorry the weather and Blogger are not cooperating but your fans appreciate your efforts and enthusiasm, always. (By contrast, it is 91 degrees here and the spring flowers have already melted.)


I appreciate you taking the time and effort to leave a comment. I will try to answer any questions you have. Please note due to Blogger changing word verification so almost nobody can read it, I have had to change to no word verification and only allow registered users to comment.