Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Roamy Arrives in Northern lower Michigan

Never heard of Roamy? He was living in a garden in CT, when one February day he had a sudden itch to travel. He left home in the middle of the night, leaving a note for his family that he would return in one year. He has been traveling around the United States ever since.

 His family misses him and in an attempt to keep up with Roamy's travels, they set up this blog.  
In our get-acquainted chat, Roamy told me that so far he has been to these starred states:
Through chattering teeth, he said that so far Michigan is the furthest north he's traveled. 

I think he enjoyed Missouri's weather last week a bit more than he likes the still freezing temps in Michigan.  He was not really dressed for temps in the mid 30's, so I took him over to the sunny side of the garden so he could warm up. 
 He thought the garden was a playground and seemed to have a lot of fun running around and climbing on pieces of garden junk art.
He was pretty tired after the long journey from Missouri so he had a quick dinner, asked me to notify his family that he was in good health, and went right to bed.
This weekend we are planning to take him to visit the Mackinac Bridge (where the arrow is pointing on the map). He's pretty excited about that. He said he once dreamed of being a bridge engineer. He's pretty young, so his dream may still come true.

Roamy only sticks around a few days and then gets the itch to move on. He will be looking for a friendly place to visit next, preferably in a state he has not yet seen. If you would like to host Roamy, please leave me a comment and I will let let him choose his next state later this weekend.

Update on the ATV win:  It's been sold already. I never even saw it.  I guess I will have to haul rocks my usual way -- in a wheelbarrow. :)


  1. how fun...bumming around the country...wow that was quick selling the 4 wheeler

  2. Well now, don't you have a very special guest visiting:-) I can well imagine the shock to his system when he arrived in Michigan and felt the cold! They should have packed a parka for him! lol Love the pictures you took of him and he looks so sweet all tucked up in bed. Lucky him that he'll be going with you to visit the Mackinac Bridge:-) If he ever wants to come to Canada, my door is open to him!

    Wow, that ATV really did sell fast and maybe it's a good thing you never got to see it, you may have wanted to keep it! lol xoxo

  3. Zoey, I think it's a good thing you didn't see the ATV either, I know if I had one, they'd have to pry my fingers off of it, lol. Roamy is adorable, what a shock it must have been for him to be in the snow after nice temperatures farther south. I look forward to seeing the rest of his adventures--he's welcome here if he wants to see Wisconsin!

  4. He can come visit South Dakota! We aren't much farther south but it is warming up nicely. :D

  5. How cute is Roamy? No snow here, but lots of wind and cold again, though it sneaks up to the 60s and 70s once in a while. He can come visit my guys here in PA. anytime-I'll take him to Longwood Gardens!
    Hope you get something good with the RV loot. ; )

  6. Glad Roamy made it to visit with you. I tried to stuff myself in the package, but I just couldn't fit through the mail slot!

  7. Zoey, thank you for hosting Roamy!!... glad to hear he's OK and enjoying his journey - lucky that there are so many kind people to show him around. Keep me posted!

  8. I'm writing this on behalf of my gnome, Gnorman. He's just out of his winter hibernation and is so excited to think that he may have a visitor.Please consider sending him to Illinois...to make Gnorman happy.

  9. Unbenownst to Roamy, he has two long-lost brothers in Nebraska that want to meet him. One is famous, the other is, well, different.

    Hope he wants to travel west to "the Good Life."

  10. Would love to have Roamy visit us in northern NY. The kids would love it.

  11. Going on a road trip across Texas on the 15th to visit Austin, Texas and a art yard festival - Roamy.... it would be fun!

  12. Roaming could go with Tufa Girl and I and we would take turns babysitting him so he would never be lonely. Plus Tufa is taking me on a big tour and I know Roamy would love that.

  13. He's so cute! I love this idea.


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