Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where Did My Weekend Go?

I have not left the house since I got home from work and fabric shopping at 5:30 p.m. on Friday.

Suddenly Sunday afternoon is almost over and I still have tons of projects that I wanted to finish. I need another day in my weekend--my nails need to be done, I wanted to wash and style my hair (it's always best if I wash it the day before I have to go to work), I should hem a pair of pants I  bought last week, and I have done no cleaning except for the Friday PM dusting with the new orange mitt... well, I guess I shoved the vacuum around each room, but that's about it.  I did minimal cooking.....I did change and wash the bedding....but where did the rest of the weekend go?

I guess I spent most of it sewing.  Remember my plan to sew quilts to frame for this empty hallway?

The hallway walls have been bare for the 23 years I have lived in this house.  As wonderful as my husband is, he has major quirks--like putting holes in walls.  I keep telling him that it is normal to hang a picture, then when you decide to change it, fill the holes and repaint--that's what most of America does.  He thinks once you hang a picture, it's for life.  . . drives me crazy... who hangs pictures for life???'s a good thing he has so many other wonderful qualities.

This weekend I finally got him to hang something in this hallway.  I must have caught him in a weak moment, because he hung 8 pictures down this hallway!  They are all lighthouses in black frames (I used to have them in my living room before the remodel).

I do really like these lighthouses.  I have visited many of them because they are all in Michigan.
After making quilts to frame all weekend, I decided that it was just too much hassle to get these in a frame and hung on a wall.  I was very disappointed to realize that the biggest quilt in the back was too thick to fit in the frame after I added batting and quilted it.

I did get the little one in the front in a frame, but that is only because I didn't quilt it.  I am removing it from the frame and turning it into a counter trivet for hot dishes. I will use all of these for trivets so my weekend's work was not in vain.

When I went down to the basement to wash the bed linen, I noticed the stack of lighthouses pics with black frames. I was already thinking the framed quilt idea was not going to happen, so I brought a couple of the lighthouses upstairs to see if they would look good down the hallway.  I decided they would work much better than quilts that I had to make and then fit into frames.

I think this is how I got DH to hang the lighthouses.  I showed him this quilt and I said, "It's either 8 quilts in this color scheme or the lighthouses.  I think the lighthouses will look better in the hallway."  I guess he agreed.  LOL.


  1. I enjoyed your post! I saw today just fly by too!
    I guess quilts don't really need to be framed. It would be neat to have them on mini quilt holders maybe?
    The lighthouses look nice though-nice in the black frames.
    We have 'the same' 'Tree of Life' pictures in the living room since 1986-just saying-lol.

  2. I know your quilts are fantastic Zoey but I love your choice of the lighthouse pictures for your hallway. And I know you will find a place to display your wonderful work of quilting:)
    Must be a thing with hubby doesn't like putting holes in walls either.

  3. Love your Michigan lighthouse pictures ... but, of course, I would!

  4. You know, I think your husband and mine are from the same stock. LOL Mine said the same thing about making holes in the wall- drives me mad!


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