Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Voted, I Removed my Fingernails (Ouch!), and I Made a Delicious Pasta Dinner

all in one day! LOL.

Early this morning I lost an acrylic fingernail. It was the third one since Saturday. I decided I was ready to remove them all and go with my natural stubs. I called my nail technician and told her to cancel my 4:00 p.m. appointment today and all of my appointments for the rest of the year, as I was going 'au natural'. She said the reason they were falling off was the change of weather....Yeah, whatever the reason, I am not happy with paying for a service that seems to be going downhill....I have been going every two weeks for at least 15 years and I feel that they should last the full two weeks.
So instead of getting my nails done after work, I went to vote. Then I came home and prepared a nice pasta dinner with hamburger,onions, pepperoni, red and green peppers....,

mushrooms....Ragu tomato sauce and cheese sauce...

Rotini pasta and a heaping spoonful of the Big Kahuna's special seasoning (I think it's Emeril's recipe).

I made two casseroles so I could freeze one for later. I am all about cooking once and eating 5 times!

YUM! It was so good. 

Sorry, I do not have a recipe. I just tossed in whatever I thought looked good!  We had it with green beans.

I can tell that Thanksgiving is almost here.  Why?

Because my 'Christmas' cactus is ready to bloom! It always blooms near Thanksgiving.


  1. Ouch for the fingernails indeed! I've never heard of the weather causing acrylics to fall off, but what do I know? ;-) Your casserole looks yummy, Zoey!

  2. Dinner looks wonderful! did you have a glass of Merlot to go with it?
    I've always wanted a Christmas cactus but have never gotten around to it.

    As for the nails. Good luck! I gave up on them almost 2 years ago. You will really have to baby your nails, they will be very very soft. I went with clear polish for a long time, then I did my own french tips with Sally Hansen products. Just recently I have gone back to colored nails, but a more toned down beige color.

  3. You were busy late night making a new header! Love it!

  4. I tried wearing those nails and they drove me crazy...I'd rather have nubs...your dinner looks yummy

  5. Cooking once..eating 5 times..that's my kind of girl:)
    Love the cactus..it will be 'real showy' when in full bloom.


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