Sunday, October 24, 2010

BOGO boots

I had absolutely NO intention of buying two pairs of new boots today.  In fact my sweet husband is the one who wanted to go and look for a new pair of shoes.  Unfortunately he did not find any.

I, on the other hand, found two! I first saw these and thought how great they would be for my weekend boots. They have a nice heel and felt comfortable when I tried them on. They remind me of the boots I used to love in the early 1970's.

 Yeah, that's a pretty high heel, but they really did feel comfy on. I even put them both on and walked around -- not bad....Look how they lace up  on the front... back in the day we called them 'granny' boots.  I threw them in my cart.
 I think they will look nice with jeans, my green jacket and my Halloween shaggy bag.

 Then I noticed that they had a BOGO sticker on them. BUY-ONE-GET-ONE HALF OFF.

So if I found a second pair, it would be 50% off -- you can bet that I would be walking down every aisle to find something I wanted at half off!

And it did take every aisle.  I was pretty bummed, thinking that I was not going to find anything to take advantage of that discount and then in the last aisle, I found these:

Just what I need for work! Whoo-Hoo! Half off!  They are mine!!!

So I am pretty happy that after a weekend of hard work I am rewarded with these.  I just wish sweet husband would have found something.

We worked outside for about two hours today and got almost all of the containers put away for the winter.
We still need to haul the glass table down to the basement and cover all the wood items with plastic.  We leave those on the deck throughout the winter.

I made a big pot of chili and left it simmering on the stove all afternoon.

 As soon as I finish this post, I will make a spinach/chicken salad  to go with the chili and we will have dinner.


  1. Love the first pair! They'd work well in Alberta, with the ice & snow.

  2. great boots...your dinner sounds yummmy...

  3. Those tall black boots are so cool. don't you love getting new shoes!?!?!?! To me shoes are better than clothes.

    We haven't had chili yet this fall. However it might just be on the menu this week. (we are taking the camper on it's maiden voyage Tues thru friday)

    ttul when we get back.

  4. Cute boots and shoes. I can't go for too high a heel myself. I had similar ones too!
    That happens with us too. Brian really needs shoes and I usually find something.

  5. afternoons at your house seem amazing to me - all of the right components! Great boots, great deal! Lucky you, and I'm certain that you deserve it!

  6. The boots are SO cool, and yes, I remember 'granny boots'. BOGO is a great deal--and your story was so familiar--Carl needed new work shoes last weekend and I strolled around the store too, thinking I could get something with the 50% off, but I didn't find anything as neat as your new shoes. Congratulations and that chili looks so good....

  7. I would say you got rewarded quite nicely Zoey! Maybe next time hubby finds new shoes.
    Chili is great at this time of year..such a comfort food.

  8. Cool Boots! Both pairs look pretty comfortable too - which is a factor for those of us who were in our teens in the '70's.


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