Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Dog Days of August

this phrase was never meant to have anything to do with these:
But after enjoying a delightful dinner of chili dogs, I had to let you all know how delicious these big franks are.

I just hate to have a tiny little hotdog and a ton of bread, as is the case with a regular hotdog and bun.

Well, let me tell you these dogs know how to fill a bun!

We topped these monsters with beanless chili, mustard and onion. . . too die for! I just wish I could have eaten more than one. Unfortunately we ate them before I even thought of blogging about the meal---really, who would even think to blog about hotdogs?

Once it was too late, I wished I had taken a pic of the big dog all doctored up. At least I had one left over, so I could show you the size.

Not wanting to waste the chili, I decided to top a few potato chips with the same mixture I had put on the hotdogs.... for a queen!
I can't wait to have this simple meal again!


  1. Zoey, now I know what I want to make for supper one of these nights! If the mosquitoes weren't so blasted pesky, we could have had a campfire tonight. Delicious!!


  2. All I can say is ...ymmmmmm!!!

  3. Looks Delicious! I love a goot dog. Now you need to try Hebrew National Hot dogs. They are like no hot dog you have ever had. About $3-$4 a package.

  4. That hotdog with the add ons is definetly blog worthy!! I love that kind of a meal.

  5. gotta love a good hotdog....yours looks yummy

  6. KOGELS!! I have your blog bookmarked so I can see your beautiful gardens, I never realized you were in Michigan! I grew up my first 31 years in Oscoda before moving to S.Indiana. We just vacationed in Harrisville last month. First on the list of things we miss (other than Lake Huron)...KOGEL HOTDOGS (nothing compares!!), Rock-n-rye faygo (because I can find Vernors down here now), and Mooneys Blue Moon Icecream!! I'm homesick now lol.
    Love your blog:)


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