Saturday, June 5, 2010

She has Risen

I did a double take yesterday as I walked by and noticed little pink flower heads dangling in the breeze where I had once planted Ladies Petticoat Columbine.

I last saw this flower in May of 2006 (the year I planted 3 of them). I had given it up for dead. All those yellow specks on the purple Heuchera is pine pollen. We need a good rain to get it all out of the trees.


  1. You were on a forced blog break and I just came to check if you were back and here you are with some gorgeous garden photos.
    I liked the idea of using chives for a long as it wouldn't be close to the door..don't like the smell:)

  2. I love Columbine.
    The flowers are so delicate and the plants multiply quickly.

    It's been raining for days here in flowers need sunshine!!

  3. Beautiful columbine! I've picked up a couple new ones this year. I love hosta for fillers. I've planted quite a few in my shade garden.

  4. It's gorgeous and now that I see the leaves on it, I'm wondering if that's what I pulled out last week thinking it was a I remember planting Columbine seeds! lol Do you ever do that, mistake a flower for a weed? I really need to learn how to identify all flowers or make sure I have a list of what I planted and where every year!!! xoxo

  5. I love that these two plants are borrowing from each other - the heuchera is borrowing the flowers and the columbine is borrowing the rich foliage.

  6. Do you know where you purchased the seeds for this variety? It's a delicate beauty! Do you gather your seeds from year to year? It's a winner!


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