Thursday, June 24, 2010

Astilbe Deutschland

While writing this post, I got a telephone call from a telemarketer. I am never nice to these people. I usually hang up on them.

But this guy said, “Hi!” with so much enthusiasm I thought he may be an old boyfriend who was thrilled to have finally found my number. At my age an old admirer is not to be taken for granted. I gave him an equally enthusiastic “Hi!”. His next question axed the long lost love theory. “ Are you using a satellite or high-priced cable in your home?”

I kept my enthusiastic voice, and replied “We use high-priced cable and we LOVE it.”

He hung up on me!

LOL. The things that entertain me!

On to the astilbe...I could not remember when I purchased this white astilbe so I got out my garden folder.
1990! Twenty years ago? Where did the years go?

062210 white astilbe path1 (Large)

I have it planted in a few different areas in my garden. I really like it next to this white-edged hosta.astlbe near arbor 062210 (Large) white astilbe allium christopherri (Large)

This one is on the opposite side of the arbor gardens. It’s next to the one surviving Allium Christopherii. Remember I said all the allium had all died in this area? I guess, I lied, there is one left.

I put the follower gadget on this blog. Thank you to the 23 people who followed me, even though there was no gadget! I have no idea how you were able to do that. I went to a couple of the blogs to try to follow back, but saw no 'follower' box to click, so I could not follow. I am sure I will figure it all out as I go. It's amazing how much Blogger has changed since I joined 5+ years ago.


  1. I smiled at your call from the tele-marketer. One guy once called my BIL about a good phone deal and my BIL told him he didn't have a phone..the guy didn't know what to say and hung up:)

  2. That was very comical-may try that! We got a call last week and Bri answered it and they wanted to know if we had smoke detectors! We plugged the phone number in Google and other people complained about the nature of the phone call.
    The astilbe look pretty for being 20 yrs old.

  3. Zoey ~ I have to become a were what got me started blogging,looking for perennials!


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