Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hodgepodge Day

Who wouldn't want to eat more pork when it's this delicious?
DH bought an assortment of colorful peppers last week. We had them for three days in our salads and I still had a bunch left. So today I decided to toss them into my pork chops in tomato sauce. Don't you love all that color?

Thursday night after work and after dinner, I baked some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. It must be the colder weather because I almost never bake anything on a week night.

We had a cookie and a cup of hot tea for dessert tonight.

Tomorrow we plan to put all the outdoor stuff away. It's been cleaned and sitting out to dry for a couple of days. I counted all the containers full of dormant plants that we have to store for the winter. There are 30 of them. We have had a lot of rain so I am leaving the containers out in hopes that they will dry out a bit. I don't want them to rot while under the house.

I've also been sewing a bit today on a new table runner

and I spent a couple of hours reading a new book.

It's been a good day.


  1. Sounds like a pretty busy day to me! I too, have been getting the deck pots ready for the winter garden. It's so sad to see all the cannas cut back and it seems like those pots get heavier every year!

  2. Giddy, you are so right -- we just fiished hauling about half of those containers under the house and I could barely pick some of them up. I don't remember them being nearly that heavy in past years!

  3. Where did the summer go? It seems you just pulled those pots out. The snow will be flying before we know it. Today I saw a big fat almost all black wooly worm! YIKES.

  4. Well took care of a lot of clean up, some delicious cooking and baking..I like days like that even though I am 'dog tired' when evening rolls around.

  5. Looks like you are all set for the winter! We still need to put my decorations away in the shed. The leaves will need to get raked up soon too. I'm ready to roost and do indoor things.

  6. Last Friday and Saturday I spent hours washing, letting dry and then putting away all my patio and deck furniture, faeries, lawn ornaments, etc. I also cut back all my perenials and some of the bulbs have been dug up and put in storage for the winter. What a job to get all that done, especially when it feels you just took everything out! lol

    Your pork chops looks so delicious, I never would have thought to add peppers to them! Makes it look like such a wonderful Fall meal:-)

    Your new table runner is just gorgeous!! xoxo


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