Friday, December 19, 2008

Cocoa Creme Gingersnaps

I just finished my second cookie. This one is the same style as the cookie below, but a very different flavor. If you like spicy gingersnaps and molasses,
then you will like these.

I used another new Hershey kiss. This one is filled with a chocolate creme.

Cocoa Creme Gingersnaps

1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3/4 cup shortening
1/4 cup molasses

1 egg

2-3/4 c flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. allspice

1/4 c sugar
approx. 35 Hershey Kisses

In a mixer bowl combine brown sugar, shortening and molasses; beat until smooth.

Add egg and beat well.

Add flour, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and allapice -- beat until well mixed.

Shape into small balls roll and roll lightly in sugar.

Place 2" apart on ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake 375 for about 8 minutes or until tops are cracked and edges are set. Immediately press a kiss in center. Cool 1 minute and remove from sheets to wire racks. Makes 35 cookies

Now I am going to spend the rest of the day on the sofa covered in my
Christmas quilt reading, Jennifer Chiaverini's, The Quilter's Kitchen. I have been looking forward to being able to do this for the past month.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Zoey..ginger snaps..they are a fave of mine any time of the year. I made some rolled in sugar but haven't ever tried them with 'kisses'.


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