Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hey, Big Boy....

It's been at least twenty years since I have eaten a Big Boy hamburger.

After our physically active day last Saturday we were driving around a small town looking for a place to eat. When I saw this burger on the Big Boy sign, I had a sudden urge to try one.

Since I am not a major burger lover, I was very surprised that I really enjoyed this one.

I have always loved their tomato spice salad dressing. I asked the waitress if they sold it and she said they did indeed. So I bought some.

Tonight we enjoyed it on our tossed salad.

My deck plants are almost finished. I am planning to stay home this weekend to get them all cut down and put away for the winter. Tonight I went out and cut down the last of the pink flowers and put them in the living room to live out their last few days.
I am really going to miss having fresh flower bouquests.


  1. Us bloggers are going to miss your flowers too! Those purple leaves are really cool. What are they?
    Your burger makes me hungry and it's just cappuccino time yet this morning.

  2. Fortunately, we have a few places that prepare a good burger. I had a Greek burger at one and didn't like feta cheese on it. I guess my mind thinks of the basics too much-I love relish and mustard.
    I'll miss your flowers too,but I bet you have some winter projects you'll be sharing.

  3. Every once in awhile I love a burger! Got to be a good one though!!
    I have enjoyed your plants and flowers all summer, Zoey and from now on I might be seeing all that color in quilts, right?

  4. OB Quilter, those purple leaves are Persian Shield. It's a shrub-type plant that I have been saving for three years. I love it.

    I like feta so I might enjoy a Greek burger. Yes, I hope to have some winter projects. Otherwise I would go stir crazy.

    Good morning, Betty,
    Who knows what projects may lurk in my future??????? I never know until I start them!


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