Thursday, June 5, 2008

Soon to be Off for a Well Deserved Magical Adventure

Tomorrow morning we are cleaning all of the carpet in the house. We rented a carpet cleaner and will pick it up at 7am. While the carpet dries, we are taking off for a little weekend adventure to see Brian Michael, a master illusionist. I had never heard of him, so I googled and found this:

Brian Michael's fresh and innovative approach has resulted in unforgettable experiences for audiences across Canada and around the world. Brian also made a number of appearances as an opening act for CĂ©line Dion on her last world tour. Experience firsthand why Brian was named the first-ever “Entertainer of the Year” at the Canadian Event Industry Awards.

It sounds like something I will enjoy. Have any of you ever attended a show?

After the last 5 days of work, I am ready for some fun and relaxation. The most work I am going to do for the next three days is figure out what to order for dinner.

We finished painting the living room. Now EVERY other room looks terrible because the LR is so bright and fresh and the rest of the house has the off white palette. I think we are going to have to paint every room in the house. I have already started the hallway. Every room is way overdue for new paint, but I just can't imagine doing all of the work. We will just have to take one room at a time and work on it all summer.

My first iris bloomed today.

It is in a narrow side garden which is also full of Star of Bethlehem.

This is a great place for the invasive Star of Bethlehem because the concrete sidewalk prevents it from spreading any further. I think it's a pretty little ground cover.


  1. Nope I've never been at any of his shows. Sounds like a fun evening though.
    Isn't that how it is, when you paint one room the rest look shabby!
    You've had quite the work week sure have earned a little R&R!

  2. Have fun! I saw David Copperfield years ago and he was quite entertaining.

  3. Maybe when the magician needs someone to volunteer from the audience Zoey will magically catch his eye? Have fun.

    Usually the new paint not only makes the other rooms look bad but the furniture fabric also suffers in comparison. Good luck!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  4. Love your creeping phlox in the recent post. I planted 12 clumps a few weeks ago, now 3 of the clumps are turning a lovely shade of yellow and seem determined to leave the cares of this old world behind. Any ideas?

  5. Maybe that illusionist can magically make all my rooms painted! You guys are right everything looks shabby. The curtains no longer match...I have a big chore ahead.

    Welcome, Swamprad. I wonder if grubs have attacked your phlox??? Just a guess. It's one plant that I don't have many problems with.

  6. I hope you enjoy your well deserved break Zoey. You and DH have been busy!!
    A Star of Bethlehem showed up in my garden this spring..a stowaway from somewhere! I like the crisp white flowers, but I'll have to move it to a place where it won't be a nuisance.
    Your spring garden is looking beautiful, and the crabapple put on a wonderful show this year. I thought of you when I saw the crabs blooming, and remembered you saying yours only blooms every other year :)
    I hope you get some Orioles in your yard so you can hear their gorgeous song.

  7. I agree-you deserve a break lady!
    Never heard of the illusionist, but if he opened for Celine Dion, he must be good. Only saw one for kids with Sean and he was enjoyable, so yours will be fabulous.
    The most unusual show, other they Zoobilee Zoo with Sean, was a show Bri and I saw in Atlantic City many years ago. It was the celebrity look-alike kind like Cher and Bette Midler, many were male performers. It was pretty good if I remember correctly. ; )
    My irises are fading fast-I really like the one you have! And the Star of Bethlehem is pretty!
    Have a great time!

  8. Come to think of it, I have seen a few Star of B. around my yard too!

  9. Have a wonderful time at the show! We saw an illusionist once and totally enjoyed it (can't remember his name at the moment. David??)
    Love the Star of Bethlehem..

  10. I've always loved the Star of Bethlehem. That green is so fresh.

    My favorite spot of them was on the site of an office, where they had intermingled in the lawn - they would hold off the first cutting for the flowers, it was very lovely.

  11. Love that white iris! Your living room color is very soft and pretty...I have a similar color in my bedroom, and I've always liked it.

  12. I do hope you had a wonderful little get away and I'm looking forward to hearing what you thought of that magician! I've never heard of him...and he's Canadian and all!! Bad me! lol

    Such beautiful Irises you have blooming...mine are almost ready to open:-) The Star of Bethlehem certainly do make a wonderful ground cover!! xox


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