Monday, February 18, 2008

Tonight I Reaped the Rewards from a Previous Day's Labor

Remember a few weeks ago when I made chicken pot pies and I froze some for future meals?

Well, tonight was the future.

It was great to have the meal all prepared. I just threw it from the freezer to the oven, made a tossed salad and dinner was ready. It was almost as good as the first time around.

Have you noticed that people are getting very grouchy?

I noticed it at work today. Just about everybody had a sour attitude. I think they are all sick of winter. Not me. I don't know why, but I am loving the cold weather this year. I like being toasty and warm inside while snow squalls (or icy rain) bang against the windows.

Unfortunately I have to go out into it every morning to get to work. That's the part I don't much care for!

Well, I am off now to make another attempt at a border for the pink star quilt. This will be my third attempt. I hope it's the charm.


  1. Yummmm that pot pie looks delish! Yup, I've also noticed how grouchy people are getting...can't seem to get a smile out of anybody these days! Me, I've always got a stupid grin on my face. lol We had freezing rain again today...getting cabin fever from not being able to go out so hopefully it clears up soon! xox

  2. Aren't those freezer meals such a wonderful thing? And that pot-pie looks ever so wonderful...oops almost drooled on my computer!!
    I too love winter and still am smiling but you are right, I too have seen some grouchy faces! And around here there is still a lot of winter left!
    Have fun with your quilting tonight, Zoey..I will be crocheting, I am making an afghan by using up leftover wool from different projects.

  3. Zoey,

    I have long wanted to leave a comment for you. I just want you to know what an absolute inspiration you are to me. As both a gardener and a novice quilter, I am encouraged and constantly inspired by your talent in both areas. Your quilting and your love of design and home-making are an on-going source of inspiration to me! You savor and utilize every moment of every day! (After teaching for over 30 years, I will retire in three months. I am so looking forward to doing exactly what I want to do each and every day.)

    You are a wonderfully talented lady who makes living life a wonderful journey. Kudos to you, my friend!!

    Someone who has enjoyed your blog for over a year....

  4. I am so sick of the cold weather. Blah!

    Oh and you have Made My Day! Go check out your award on my blog. :)


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