Monday, February 25, 2008

Easter Tablescape '08

Remember my hibiscus trees that died last summer? Right from the start I had a vision for the dead skeleton with the nicely braided trunk.

I knew the limbs would provide perfect appendages to hang Easter eggs.

All of the eggs on this centerpiece are real eggs that I have blown out and decorated. Many are decoupaged. This pic is dark on my computer and hard to see. You can click on it to see it bigger.

For this table, I used these pink vintage napkins. I have had them for years, but I don't think I have ever used them. I love the tulips, but they are a little smaller than I like.

I folded them and inserted into these bunny napkin holders.

Aren't these the cutest carrot candle holders? Look how that little mouse is crawling through the carrot.
I bought these at Hallmark and was quite surprised that they don't really stand securely....just a tad wobbly. I will stick a gob of flower arranging gunk under them so they don't topple over.

Each place setting has an egg holder with more of my real eggs.

This one is cut out and I have decoupaged a bird's nest inside (click and you can see it much better). You can't see it, but inside it says, "Every bird likes his own nest best."

I just love these two blue jean bunnies that are perched on the top of a chair. The seams are all raggedy edged...again you may have to click on them to see the edges.

I made them years ago. In fact, I didn't even remember that I had them. Did you notice that the first one has the same pink bandana fabric as I used in the star quilt?

This mother rabbit sits in a corner tending to her apron full of babies.

Here is the full tablescape
Does anyone recognize the table runner? I used all those rejected blocks from the border of my star quilt. I spent most of Saturday machine quilting it. I quilted it every 1/4" which was way more work than it was worth! I will chalk it up to practice as it's not anything I would be proud to have closely inspected.

So I now have all my Easter decorating done and I can enjoy it for the next month. Is anybody else decorating for Easter?


  1. I must say Zoey you have more decorating stuff than I will ever own! You did a fine job of setting that table! I haven't started to decorate for Easter yet, I probably won't until 2 weeks before Easter, not that I don't want to but it just never happens..

  2. Ack! Easter is coming! I don't know what we'll decorate with. Usually we put up a last minute Peep'n'acle Choir ?? I enjoy your decorating, it is waaay better than mine!lol

  3. That is beautiful! I love all of it but especially the darling napkins with the tulips - too cute! I am totally in awe of your tablescaping ideas! :)

    Your rooster quilt piece is super - can't wait to see what you end up doing with it - I thought all of your ideas sounded great.

    Loved the green m&m story - I had no idea! The reds have always been my favorite, but may have to rethink that...

  4. Everything is very spring-like! I love seeing how you decorate and really appreciate all the homemade touches you add to make your table truly a 'Zoey-one-of-a-kind' table!

  5. Your Easter decor looks so springy! I haven't put mine out yet, Your always look so nice and I love your header too..


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