Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pasta Angels

When I was doing the angel tree, I came across a little black box buried under all the decorations. I pulled it out and found these two little angels made from pasta.

Aren't they adorable?

I can't remember who made them for me. I feel bad about that.

I think it was someone I worked with many years back.

The head is a wooden ball and the candle is a tack turned upside down! Too cute!

Here is the back (sorry it's blurry). It's a bowtie pasta.

After regluing the arms and candle on the pink one, I put them both on my angel tree.

As I was previewing this, I may have remembered who made them for me. I do believe it was my son's ex girlfriend. Gosh, that had to be something like eight years ago. Where does the time go? They have been sitting in that little black box in the basement for all those years.

I have quite a few different angels hanging on china cabinet knobs around the dining room. I call these pa*nty*hose angels because that's what I made the faces out of.

I guess this one is not really an angel--just a pretty lady.


  1. You have shown us a lot of beautiful decorations...will this keep going till Christmas?? The ideas are great and keep them coming!
    This is so fun!

  2. Cute! I agree with betty r - I am loving all the great ideas you share!! I'm on my way down to dig out boxes of xmas decorations - all of the memories held in those boxes make this time of year quite a treat.

  3. Hi Betty & Kris,
    I don't know how long it will keep going. I guess 'till I run out of new things to show you! :)

    I am just glad someone else is enjoying seeing my little holiday traditions.

    Thank you both for taking the time to post such a nice comment.
    Kris, I hope you will post pics of your decorations.
    Betty, I wish you would start a blog! :)


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