Sunday, November 25, 2007

I'm Dreaming of a Pink Christmas

Betty asked if I was going to show more of my Christmas decorating pictures.

Does Santa wear red? Of course, I am going to show you more! I live for blogging days like this! :)

I made all of these pink ornaments years ago.

They are hand sewn of felt and embellished with all sorts of things--beads, lace, glitter paint, etc. The wings on the angels are made from my wedding dress veil. I know I've mentioned that before, but a lot of readers probably have not trudged through the archives. I no longer have that husband, though we are still friendly. He knows I made angels from the veil. We get a good chuckle out of that every now and then. He said he was glad I turned it into angels and not something more negative. :)

This year I decided to go all the way with a pink color scheme. I did two trees that flank the dining room entrance in pink. I also used pink across the archway connecting the two trees.

Of course, the table is all set in pink, too. I have a set of very old Haviland china that has tiny pink flowers. Don't you think those napkins are reminiscent of peppermint sticks?
I was thrilled when I found them in my napkin stash. I am always buying napkins and I never remember what I have. The table needs a bit more work. I need to come up with a centerpiece.

Remember when I said I was going to put a Christmas tree in a sled? Well, here it is.
It's the same sled I used on the deck for a planter. I just cleaned it all out and now it's a holiday decoration. I really like it with the tree. I may not use it outside anymore.

The sled has a few toys in it. This is my son's first teddy bear. I always find a way to use it during the Christmas season. That little snowman is attached to a sled. A friend made it for me quite a few years ago. He passed away last year so just bringing it out made me stop a moment to remember him.

Here is a view of 5 of the trees. When eating at this table, we are surrounded by the spirit of Christmas!

This is a close up of the archway decorations. I have dozens of little pink/white mice peeking through the greenery.

Here is the same view after dark:

I will show you more some other time. I am pretty well pooped for tonight!

I noticed that not many were blogging this weekend. Maybe everyone else is decorating, too.


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
    So glad you're sharing your Christmas decorating, Zoey.
    I LOVE those "candy cane" napkins!
    Where does hubby hide during this decorating frenzy or does he help??

  2. Betty,
    He hides, runs errands, or takes naps.

    He did carry a few empty boxes down to the basement, but other than that, he isn't much for helping with decorating.

    He did run out to get pizza for dinner because I was too tired to cook. So he helps in his own way. :)

  3. How beautiful your house is decorated for Christmas. Inspirational, too. I just wish I had the talent.

    I'm dreaming of a Zoey Perennial Passions kind of Christmas. Beautiful!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  4. Zoey,
    You have a gift for decorating and if you ever changed careers this would be your calling!
    It's all over the top "bee- you- t- full"!!
    Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  5. Wow! That looks lovely. I especially love the peppermint napkins. Be sure to show us your centerpiece when you get it done.

  6. What a beautiful home you have, and so nicely decorated for Christmas. I wish I had half your energy!

  7. How fun Zoey! I love your pink trees. I have a tiny pink tree that I think I'll put in the bedroom. Isn't pink such a fun, non-traditional color??

  8. Spectacular! I love everything you did and it reflects your design sense. The little green sled is perfect. I need to steal that idea from you! You should have your blog on BooMama's house tour on December 17th (Pea's Corner has the link).
    I don't decorate for Christmas until December because of my birthday and Thanksgiving. This year for one other reason. I think I'm doing red, white and silver or gold and lots of Cardinals and pine cones so I use red this year. I haven't used red for a few years as I did the pink and white in '05 and blue and white last year. Thanks for the inspiration.
    BTW, my son almost has the same 1st teddy bear-that touched my heart.

  9. That's it...I'm coming over to your house!!! Oh Zoey, you decorate so're my kind of gal, enjoying decorating so much! hehe I love, love, LOVE the pink theme, the trees are just gorgeous and love all the little details all over. You, my dear, have always been an inspiration to me...who needs Martha Stewart when we have you! hehe Your home truly reflects your love of Christmas..absolutely delightful. xox


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