Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Do You Ever Feel Daily Life is Just Too Rushed?

I've been up for thirteen hours and am just now able to consider my time my own.

After work I rushed to the library and then to JoAnne's because I needed thread. I had a 4 o'clock nail appointment so I didn't have much time to stroll around the fabric store. Almost immediately upon entering my eye caught the 50% of sign on the already reduced fabric.

Oh, boy! I LIVE for the 50%-off-already-reduced-fabric sales. I dashed through the 4 rows of bolted loveliness and filled my arms to overflowing. Within 10 minutes I had 21 yards of cut fabric and 6 spools of thread at the checkout stand.

I am sure I could have found even more IF I just had the time to explore.

Look at this green fabric with the gold fish on it.

Are you wondering what in the world I would use this stuff for?
When I use it, you probably won't even recognize it. I will be using it in such narrow pieces that the gold animals/fish will not even be visible. You will only see the green with flecks of shiny gold & black. I think it will look great as star points.

Have you noticed that I have been sticking my freshly-manicured nails in the picture to show off my nail art? The pictures are too small to show the detail, so forget the subtly, here's an in-your-face macro shot:

It's all spiky and reminds me of the quilt border I am working on!

Who's read the Joanne Fluke culinary mystery books? You may have noticed in the first pic that I got two of them at the library today. I have never read her books, but I've enjoyed the Diane Mott-Davidson catering mysteries so I am expecting to get right into these two novels. I noticed quite a few more of the same type on the library shelf. So if I like them there are plenty more to entertain me.

See this?

It's my dinner --nuked popcorn with a sprinkling of cheddar cheese. YUM!


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with the fabric!!

  2. Fancy nails! Very colorful.
    I've never tried cheese on popcorn :)

  3. Love the stash entries! I can't wait to see what you do with the green and gold fish. And look at those nails!
    I could use a few more hours to catch up on reading myself.

  4. I've been missing out on putting grated cheese on popcorn! Lovely fingernails, Zoey, they're certainly worth a picture! I think we have a fishy quilt coming up.

  5. Wondering what you will do with all the fabric, Zoey! (smile)

    Have not heard of Joanne Fluke's books.

    Fancy spiky nail..it's gorgeous!

    Got to try the popcorn and cheese! I love the ideas you come up with??

  6. Laurie, I am sure you will see a pic when I do something with it!

    Susie, every now and then I get the urge for some nail art. Normally I like them plain. You really must try the popcorn.

    Dianne, I've been depleting a lot of stash lately so it was tine to add to it. Ir'a pretty amazing how much fabric it takes to make a gigantic quilt with all those tiny pieces. I have no idea how many yards, but I think paper piecing uses a TON more fabric than the old template piecing I used to do.

    lostroses, the idea of the fishy fabric is for me to use it and nobody will ever know it had fish on it. :)

    Betty, You really MUST try the cheese. It has to be almost, but not quite, melted. Yes, there IS a method to making the perfect cheddar cheese popcorn. As soon as it come sout the microwave, you dump in the cheese and close it back up. Give it a shake or two and by the time you walk to your computer room it should be perfect! If you really want gourmet, give it a dash of paprika and freshly grated pepper. :)

  7. Lol I'm sure you're like a kid in a candy store when it comes to material! Love that green fabric with the gold and black fish on it. And look at the art on your nail...it's gorgeous!! I wish I could grow nails like yours but unfortunately I'm one of those people that can't seem to grow long nails! My favourite snack is popcorn but I never thought of putting fresh cheddar cheese on it...will have to try that:-) Woohoo, congrats on the jackpot win at the casino...a couple of years ago I won over $1,800.00 so I know how exciting it can be! The tournament sounds like it was fun too. xox

  8. Great bunch of cloth! I am trying to stay away from JoAnn's until I use up some of the fabric I already have.

    Do your have Hancock's Fabric up there? We did the ads on TV, but the closest store is New Hampshire.

    Pretty nails!

  9. Pea, I don't exactly "grow" those nails. They are fake--acrylic. A lot of people like to call them their own nails, because your own does grow out just as long underneath. But the fact is that without the acrylic on top for strength they would never grow that long on their own. So facts are facts--they're fake. LOL.

    Sandy, No Hancock's here. Joanne's is it. I guess I could buy on line, but I get much better deals at Joanne's.


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