Monday, August 27, 2007

Tulip Greigii Kiev & Other Parts of my Weekend

I just ordered 35 bulbs of this new variety. It has huge flowers -- 7" in width with very brightly colored blooms. It also has purple striped foliage. I ordered them from a call from a telephone sales woman from Brecks. I don't know what even made me listen to her sales pitch. I usually promptly hang up on unsolicited sales calls. The woman said these are not even available in the catalog. I bought them sight unseen, then I went online and looked them up. I like them a lot.

Earlier I ordered 10 of these Monsella tulips and 10 big Red Dynasty tulips. Since the deer didn't eat my tulips last spring, I am feeling a lot of "tulip love" this fall and buying like crazy. Next season they will probably eat them all before I even get to see them bloom, which is exactly what they did the last time I went on a bulb buying spree. Then I will swear off tulips again. :)
The Monsellas are a big water-lily-type yellow tulip with blood-red streaks.

I also ordered a mix of 24 Giant Allium Bulbs.

I will have to spend some time before they arrive to figure out where to plant them all.

I had a great weekend. I did not leave the house since I got home from work Friday at 3:30 p.m. I've been traveling every week for over a month, so it was wonderful to get up and have no place to go. Sunday I played most of the day with my animal quilt blocks while watching HGTV design shows. I have 12 blocks finished on the quilt and a border almost complete. If you are interested in these animal blocks, I have been adding all the close up block pictures to the original post as I go along.
I need to make only 9 more border blocks and decide what to do in the four corners. Then it can go on the "finished top" pile with the other huge cardinal quilt, and the snowman quilt from last winter. I really need to stop piecing tops and get busy finishing the ones already done.

Oh, a name for the quilt just came to me as I was doing this post. How about 'Leopards & Bears, Oh My!'?

I also made up some fresh seeds packets from my recent harvest.

All in all I had a perfectly wonderful two days.


  1. Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend. The quilt is so adorable. Totally different than my whirlwind weekend.
    I love the tulips. I have some planted around the yard and some still come up from the previous owner's plantings. I'm sure you'll find the perfect spot for them.
    Your seed packets look lovely.

  2. Sounds like heaven to stay home all weekend! Very interesting tulips. I only have the regular ones.

  3. Zoey, your quilt is great. Love the colors. I'm on my way upstairs right now to start something new. Don't know what yet, but planning a new quilt is half the fun, right?

  4. Dianne, I am just hoping the seed packets don't break apart in the mail!

    Jean, It was pure heaven! I like my weekend getaways, but every now and then there is nothing better than staying home ALL WEEKEND. I think I am a liitle anti social anyway. :)

    Marie, Thank you so much. Aren't those colors wild? LOL. Yes, it is fun to think about the next quilt. I don't ever really plan them, though. I just make a block and if I am having fun, I continue until it becomes whatever I decide it was meant to me. :)

  5. In my entire life, I have never had a plant or bulb company call me at home!!
    I sure am glad, I would be broke!

  6. I also have never had anyone call me at home to sell me bulbs, but oh, wait, I forgot, I put my name on a "do not call" list that our state has so I should never get these calls. I might miss out on some tulips, but I also enjoy the peace and quiet of no phone calls from people trying to sell me stuff!

  7. I bought Kiev tulips from Breck's last year. They bloomed, but the blossoms were small. The thing is that they had no stems! I told Breck's about it, and they refunded my money, although I didn't ask for it. They are coming up now, and the stems are still short, but they are there. I wonder if you have had similar experiences with yours.


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