Sunday, May 20, 2007

I am still Tiptoeing Thru Those Tulips!

Thanks everyone for the comments on the new header. I decided on a whim to experiment. So far I think I have changed it 4 times. I can see I will be playing around with the header now just as much as I do the profile picture!

Does the header expand across your whole screen? It does on my computer, but I saw on a different computer that it was 3 or 4 inches short of spanning the entire top.

I got a bit more weeding done in the rockwall garden yesterday. It's tedious work getting the grass out of all that creeping phlox. I have just one 12 foot section to finish today.

I am so enjoying my tulips this year!! Most of these tulips were planted in 2004 and this is the first time I've seen them bloom because the deer eat them EVERY year. I believe I planted something like 300 tulips that year. There are so many that I just love. I grabbed my binder with the saved packets, so I could tell you the names.

Like these 'Greenland' pink/green striped ones:

I've always thought the "Greenland' were beautiful and was very happy when I found them at Kmart in 2004. They are from the Martha Stewart collection. In fact all 3 of these that I have deemed favorites happen to be from Martha's collection. Interesting.... Here are the 'Greenland' in the landscape photo.

These violet/pink doubles are 'Blue Diamond'. They remind me of a peony.

Oh, and just look at the spectacular color of these 'Texas Flame' parrot tulips. These are the ones I showed in the last post that were not yet opened.

And last, but certainly not least, another primrose/blue hyacinth shot. The thick green foliage in the back is colchium (for all you searching for 'what does colchium foliage look like in the spring?')

Sylvana, you have a good eye, because those orange tulips in the back that I like so much are indeed, 'Princess Irene'.


  1. So many people have said that to me, I swear that will be on my tombstone, "Sylvana. She had a good eye."

    Princess Irene tulips ROCK!!

    I love "walking" through your garden. One of my favorite things about your garden is you huge swaths of flowers. That is what I am working on doing in my garden right now.

    I also love your grass walkways. How do you keep the grass from creeping into your beds?

  2. LOL, Sylvana. That's not such a bad epitaph.

    I love the grass walkways, but they take a little bit of work. I have to edge them every spring (I have already done them once), about the 4th of July and again in the fall. I do it the old fashioned way--with a shovel, throwing the grass root clumps into a wheelbarrow.

    I've tried a gas powered edger, but I feel most comfortable with my trusty shovel. I like to make sure all those roots are gone, not just tossed aside waiting to reappear!

    I am edging the rockwall garden now. It takes more time to do the borders with the rocks at the edge as the grass likes to get between all the rocks.

    "huge swaths" of flowers is exactly what I have tried to accomplish. So I am very happy that you noticed that! I don't want the gardens to look "spotty". It takes a few years to get the big masses. I have learned that in gardening patience is definately a virtue.

  3. Zoey,
    Love the new header and all the shots of the flowerbeds. You're so lucky to have the room to create masses of one type of flower, it looks beautiful!

  4. Thanks, Suzy. Yes, I am grateful to have the space.

  5. We love the pictures of your tulips. The are all very pretty.

    Your new topper looks nice too. It doesn't go all the way across our 19" monitor, but it still looks good.

  6. I love the rockwall garden pictures. My favorite tulips are Angelique b/c of their pink peony-ness.

    Care to do a post on how to change the header? I've tried some instructions but can't figure out how. :(

    BTW, if you search my blog for "autostitch" you can find an entry and link I did in which I took 4-5 overlapping pictures of Greece and the program "stitched" them all together into one big panoramic shot. I bet your rockwall would look really great if you did that. :P

  7. Your gardens are wonderful. I'm glad you have tulips blooming this year! (Your header shows up all the way across on my screen.)

  8. So colorful! I see lots of TLC here.
    Your header goes across my screen and off my screen it's so big. Do you have a larger monitor maybe?
    Sean just ordered a laptop to take with him to PSU in August, but it's a 15" monitor.


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