Thursday, April 26, 2007

An Evening Garden Walk

Last night I was visiting Kris over at her garden by the lake. She has some of the same tulips I have, only hers are now blooming. I was inspired to get away from this computer for a few minutes and walk around the gardens to see what's been happening the past 5 days.

These tulips show promise.

I love the sedum 'Frosty Morn' as it makes its spring debut, although I am not very fond of its flower. I grow this one mostly for its variegated foliage.

I only a have few scrawny daffodils. This one is growing in the path to the compost pile. It's all bent over because of the late heavy snowstorm last week.
I found a this weed all over the main garden. It has tiny little white flowers. I don't know what it is.

I did find one nearly perfect daff.

But overall my gardens are a BIG MESS. I need to do a ton of work before I'll have any bragging rights.

I hope my urge to garden returns this week. I have had almost no desire to get out there this year.


  1. You're probably just waiting for the warm spring weather to speak to you and urge you outdoors!!

  2. But you have to,Zoey, you're my inspiration !!

  3. oh - I love the daff! And your buds look like you'll have tulips soon. I don't have the Frosty Morn sedum, but the foliage is totally cool - may have to look into that. As for weeds, all of mine seemed to have survived the winter - and lots of grass moved into the gardens too - lucky me!

    Loved the Ella's Rooster tablescape from yesterday - very, very fun. I wish I had storage space to start a collection like you obviously have - totally cool.

  4. Susie, I think that's it. We've only had one really warm weekend and I was off gambling!

    Suzy, If you are waiting for me for inspiration, I think you may be in trouble.... :)

    Kris, Isn't it amazing how the grass grows so well in the gardens, but not in the lawn? LOL.
    Yes, one thing I do have is a lot of storage space for my beloved dish collection. Although it is all full so I have to be very discriminating when I purchase new dishes...something else has to go to bring in new.

  5. I like that sedum. I don't have that one. Just what I need, more plants! I haven't done much outside yet either but it will be waiting for me!

  6. Yesterday and today I spent some time in my two flowerbeds at the front of the house...I removed all the straw that I had put on them for winter and also took out whatever weeds had started growing and transplanted a couple of my sedums to the back flowerbed. It looks so much better now and my tulips and daffodils are almost ready to start blooming...FINALLY! lol xox

  7. Zoey, we've had the same problem here with the weather not cooperating or being gone when it's nice. I think because we haven't gotten our normal start it just seems so overwhelming. Well, I'm sure that will pass when we can actually get out there and get something done! {fingers crossed}

  8. I really like your photos!
    I'm with you, I want some good temps, not too hot or cold so I can get out and rid my gardens of weeds. My neighbor always seems to beat me to it-he was weed whacking today and that's what I wanted to do!

  9. Love your pictures. I have the same weed everywhere and I have let it go ONCE and it took over.

    Currently the one spell of nice weather has landed me in the chiropractors office. I should know better to love spring with such gusto.

    Keep posting the photos I love seeing other peoples gardens

  10. Isn't that yellow such a lovely cheery color? I love the daffodils so much. Mine are looking beautiful now...blooming like crazy.
    I think we need sunshine to get us in the mood. I know I do. I was out weeding in a chilly breeze the other day and it's not nearly as enjoyable.
    We've had to be very patient this year, haven't we?


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