Saturday, April 7, 2007

Easter Tablescape

I decided this morning to cook an Easter dinner after all. It will be just me, DH and my Mom and Dad.

We are going to brunch with all of DH's family earlier in the day.

I thought I would do a pastel Easter table, but DH came home with this very bright bouquet of flowers so I had to rethink my table. I rummaged through my table linens and found this piece of fabric I bought last summer to use on the deck. I ended up returning those orange dishes I bought to go with this fabric, so it's never been used.

I thought these flowers just cried out for this fabric. The resulting table will not be for the faint of heart (smile).

I set about looking for a vase, dishes, etc.

After about an hour, this is what I ended up with:

I've had a pretty full day at home today. We just finished dinner. I made a roast chicken. It turned out nice and moist.

I have this little secret about roasting chicken. I may have shared this with you before. I cut an orange in half and stuff it in the cavity with an onion for flavor. The citric acid in the orange seems to help keep it moist.

I rubbed salt, pepper, paprika and olive oil into the skin, then roasted it at 400 degrees for about 1.75 hours (the bird was a bit over 5 lbs.)

I think I will use the left over chicken for some chicken and dumpling soup.

Early this morning I finished the 4.5 inch border on my quilt and gave it a trial run on the bed top. It's a good thing I tested it out first because the finishing border I had intended to do would not have worked. In order for the stars to lay across the pillows like this

I need to add a much larger section at the top (9 - 10 inches) than on the bottom and sides. The sides only need another 5 inches.
The bottom does not even need another border. So now I have to figure out something different for the top and sides. I am planning more bird blocks on the edges so I can tie in more of the lighter blue color. I am not sure what else yet. All I know is I need some light blue across the middle of the top. I'll think more about it later.

Hope everyone is ready for the bunny tomorrow!


  1. Your entire blog looks so spring-like today!! The pastel table and the beautiful quilt!!
    (even the chicken butt!!)
    Happy Easter!!

  2. For you, Zoey, going from a pastel plan to brighter colors would have been a snap! You have something to go with everything, don't you? I'm impressed, and what a pretty table. Happy Easter!

  3. Your table looks beautiful! Love all the bright color,. It makes up for the total "white" out doors!

  4. Hi Zoey:-) How I love your table setting, it's gorgeous!! I think I'm going to hire you to come set mine! hehe Your quilt is also looking beautiful! Just a quick visit to wish you and yours a very Happy Easter:-) I have my boys and Wendy here this weekend so it's been busy! xoxo

  5. The chicken looks fantastic! And I love your colorful dinnerware.

  6. I had a feeling you couldn't pass up an Easter tablescape-very colorful! I bought myself some mixed color carnations.
    Good idea about the orange. I usually just stick carrots, celery and onions in the cavity of my poultry. I used an oven bag for the turkey and it was really moist. : )
    Your quilt is shaping up nicely-you are so talented!

  7. Happy Easter! So many colors from the tablecloth to the flowers to your quilt. :) I put a lemon in the middle of my chicken but I should try an orange for the sweetness. Man! Even your chicken was colorful. :) I prick the rind with a fork so the juices can flow out and flavor the inside.

  8. Your table looks great! The quilt is really coming along I love the colors.


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