Monday, March 12, 2007

Long Time No Post!

Ever notice that the longer you go without posting, the easier it is to go longer?
I can't believe it's been over a week. Linda, thanks so much for asking about me. You're so sweet.

This was our first weekend in a month without snow/icy roads. We took advantage of Mother Nature's good side and went away for the weekend.

On Saturday night we had a nice dinner in a restaurant boasting that they had been voted “Best Steaks In The County” for the past three years. DH loves steak, so he ordered a Porterhouse. I like something a bit smaller and something besides a big old hunk of meat.

I decided to try the Steak au poivre ("pepper steak") -- a French dish that consists of a tenderloin steak coated in cracked peppercorns and seared with a bit of clarified butter to form a crunchy pepper crust. Spooned over the top was a creamy sauce with just a hint of mustard . A crisp green salad, warm coarsely-grained wheat bread, al dente asparagus and a gigantic baked potato completed the meal. Why do restaurants serve such large potatoes? This thing was about 7 inches long. I don't think anyone would eat the whole thing.

I did not bring my camera (I hear those loud gasps out there! What blogger worth their spot on Google would be without a digital?), but it looked something like this one.

It was good, but not exceptional. I know it should be served quite rare, but I can't stomach a piece of beef that's nearly mooing, so I ordered it “medium—just a little pink”. There was no pink at all. I think it was overcooked a bit.

I've been busy all week working on the many quilts I have in progress. I decided to make different stars for the cardinal quilt. They are all the same. I have 14 done so far and I need 14 more to complete one border. I am liking it pretty well so far.

Since time is running out for my winter hand quilting, I've been trying to spend a little time on the big star log cabin with the paper-pieced border. I am about 75% done with the quilting. It's so big I can't even get my tripod back far enough to fit it all in the picture! I am trying to work on it one hour per night (while watching the 6pm news). If I am really persistent, I will finish it by the end of March.

So,besides working every day, that's about all I've done the past week. My house is a true disaster with quilting paraphernalia scattered in almost every room. I've been sewing for about 20 minutes before I leave for work so I can get one star block pieced each morning. When I get to work, I keep finding threads all over my clothing. Sometimes I am there half a day before someone is kind enough to tell me I've got a long thread hanging on my back!


  1. Welcome back to blogdom Zoey!
    You were missed!
    What a major undertaking!
    Awesome quilt! Gorgeous colors!
    You done good girlfriend!

  2. Welcome back! Looks like you have enough work to keep you busy for a long time! Love the quilts!

  3. I was just about ready to send one of our tall dark handsome Mounties to go searching for you! hehe Glad you were able to get away this past weekend, great food as usual:-) You certainly are doing really well with your quilting...both quilts are looking beautiful!! xox

  4. I check back several times a day to see if our gal Zoe has posted. : )
    I'm with you, not crazy about red tinted steak, but my friend who is studying to be a chef says it should have red.
    Your quilts are amazing!
    I have paper/art crafts all over my living room. It's not even used, so if I keep it neat, what the heck? ; )

  5. I was about to send out a search party, but then I realized that I had gone missing for a while, as well. As you said, it's easy to let blogging go by the wayside when one is busy with other things. Glad you're back - we missed you!

  6. Hi Zoey,
    Isn't it funny how the real world gets in the way of blogging sometimes LOL!!
    Glad all is well with you and that you have those beautiful quilts to show what you've been up to!!

  7. That log cabin quilt is just gorgeous, Zoey. You really are an artist in fabric.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  8. Thank you all so much for the kind words.

    Annie, I am not artistic at all--can't even draw a stick your "artist in fabric" is such a wonderful compliment. It has made my day!


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