Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I Have Been Without Internet Service for the Past Two Days

because my modem died--AGAIN! Yes, I am screaming. This is the third time my modem has died in less than 1.5 years with this DSL service. I called my provider and they said I had to pay for the new modem. I explained my less-than-satisfactory record with their modems and indicated that if I had to shell out my own hard-earned cash for another inferior quality product, I would change providers. Precisely 23 hours later, the modem arrived at my doorstep--free.

Hopefully, I can now blog merrily along without further interruptions.

Today I thought I would share this meal I recently prepared with these simple ingredients and some mashed potatoes.

These humble ingredients turned into this very tasty Cheeseburger/Mashed Potato Pie.

My son used to love this when he was at home.

The first thing I do is put 1 pound of burger in a glass pie plate. Just quickly even it out. Don't pay much attention to how nice the sides look because they won't stay like that anyway. Season to your liking. I just used salt/pepper.

Bake on 350 degrees for 20 minutes. See how it shrinks down from the sides? That's why you don't want to fuss with it. Drain off all the fat. I then added some caramelized onions & celery and sprinkled assorted cheese crumbles on the bottom. Use any cheese your family likes.
Add a layer of mashed potatoes. Add more cheese. I used American cheese slices here because of its melting qualities. Cover this cheese with more mashed potatoes and sprinkle more cheese on top. I used sharp cheddar on top. Bake another 20 minutes or until heated through.

When it comes out of the oven, you can add a little green garnish. I used some of my own chives that I froze this fall as well as some celery tops.

Let it sit about 10 minutes before cutting.

MMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......Serve with a side of green beans for a very easy and tasty dinner.


  1. Welcome back, Zoey!
    If we ate like that, I would be hauling around a lot of junk in my trunk, honey!!!
    Looks so good and fattening!!

  2. I seem to always make too many mashed potaoes and nobody wants leftovers... so this awesome dish will do the trick!
    Thanks for the recipe Zoey!

  3. Hi Zoey,
    Wondered where you were! I always make a double recipe of mashed potatoes to use (or freeze)
    This is a great use for them and looks yummy and easy!

  4. Wow, that's terrible about your modem! I think we have the same provider. We turn our computer off at night, not sure if that matters with the modem or not. I'm sure you do too.
    When my mom let me cook dinners as a young girl, I had the Betty Crocker kid's cookbook and your hamburger dish was similar to the one I use to make with the mashed potatoes as 'icing'. We do almost the same thing, but I don't use celery that much in cooking-only in Chili. Looks good!

  5. I'm so glad you were able to get another modem without more hassle...just threaten them to change providers and they come through! lol That cheeseburger pie looks absolutely awesome! I think I know what I'm making my boys the next time they come home:-) Hugs xox

  6. Oh yum! I can see why your son would have that as a favorite.
    The internet is sooooooooo addicting!


  7. that looks really yummy ! I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing.Glad to see your back!

  8. I think I would be in withdrawal without my computer! Your pie looks wonderful! Maybe when Laurie tries it she'll give me a taste. I can't cook that much for 1.

  9. Oh, that looks so delicious!

    Sorry to hear about your modem woes. Of course they should send it to you free! What were they thinking?

  10. Zoey, you have done well! I'm hungry in the moment!


  11. I think I may try this with veggie crumbles and soy cheese :)


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