Monday, January 15, 2007

Living Room Rearrangement is Still Not Complete

Except for some hand quilting while watching FoodTV, I didn't sew a thing this weekend. I spent all my time trying to get the living room and the dining room done. (It seems like I used to be able to do this stuff a LOT faster!) The sofas were moved to even out the sunlight distribution. With that big window, I have to move them all the time so they don't fade.

I'd forgotten how much time and "stuff" it takes to fill and accessorize the tops of three china cabinets. There is one china cabinet here. It still needs a few items on the top.

This wooden box used to be on the top.
I hauled up a table from the basement and layered it with a green tablecloth tucked under on the bottom and a crocheted topper that my Mom made. It seemed like a good spot for the box, which holds Romantic Home magazines.

The other two china cabinets are at the opposite end. You've seen both of them in my posts this past week. The one on the far end still needs attention paid to the shelf in the middle.

I am at a loss for the moment on what I will find to finish off this room. I will have to take a trip down to the basement after work tonight and see what jumps out at me. I know I have a tiny little miniature quilt rack. I found a mini quilt in one of the china cabinets, so I will use that behind the sofa.

What I need to do is plop down on that sofa near the box of Romantic Home magazines and spend an hour leafing through for ideas.

Geez, Jan. 15 already. Half the month is gone!


  1. It looks very pretty, I love your colors that soft pink on the walls and I love those beams on your ceiling.
    I know what you mean about not getting things done as quickly as you used too.
    It looks like you all have snow on the ground. We have rain and mud. Ugh.
    Hope you have a nice day.

  2. This is totally none of my business, but what is the size of your room? I thought my living room was large, but maybe not.
    Still waiting for "real" winter here in Fort Wayne.
    I enjoy reading your blog each day....thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Love your colurs too. And I like what you did with that box!
    What chic dishes those black and whites are and the tv trays looks so pretty on the wall!


  4. Thanks, Pat & Tea.

    Hi Sharon, It's not really very big. It's 12' x 20'. Thanks for stopping by every day. Real winter just hit us yesterday and today. I wish it would go away.

  5. So you're noticing it too that it seems to take longer to get something done now??? lol I refuse to call it getting older! lol Everything looks beautiful, Zoey, I would hire you as my decorator any time:-) We're having snow today and it's supposed to get quite frigid tonight so January has finally made an appearance! Hugs xox

  6. I love your couch fabric. Reminds me of spring.

  7. Did you say 'mini' quilts? I love them and want to make one sometime.
    I don't know what you want to add to your lovely room. I know you added the pretty trays. Maybe a little tapestry rug under the table to coordinate the colors? New pillows? New artwork?
    I can't tell how much space you have in front of the window, but if you had room for a little table that would work too. : )

  8. Bri just said our family room was the same size as your LR. I unfortunately can't really move the 'monstrosity' of a sofa we have. My neighbor helped add a closet in here and plopped it right in the middle of a main wall. I should have put it in a corner so I'd be able to move furniture.


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