Saturday, January 13, 2007

I'm Looking a Little Grumpy Today, don't you think?

I stole this from Pea's blog.. (But she said anyone who wanted to take a pic could). Thanks, Pea.

I guess it's been proclaimed "National De-Lurking Week". It's a chance for all of you who stop by, but have never commented, to do so.

It's easy to leave a comment. Just click the word "comment" below this post. Type in the box that comes up. Then type in the letters you see in the word verification box. Hit the blue box that says "log in and publish".

You can be anonymous, if you want. I promise I am a nice person. I won't bite or growl at you or anything like that.

I'd love to hear from you! I'd also find it interesting to know what state or country you live in.

There were over 100 of you stopping by yesterday and only 5 left a message. So come on, people. Hit that comment button! Let's see who has been lurking for the longest time. ;)


  1. I don't remember how I originally found your blog, but I'm moving blog links from a bookmark folder to my feed reader, and I thought I'd post to your delurking entry.

  2. Hi Dallas,
    I do remember you. You made that cute denim patchwork tote bag that I still have the picture saved so I can make it one day! So nice to see you again. Did you get married yet? I will have to go visit you and get up to date on what's been happening in your life.
    Thanks so much for posting.

  3. I found your blog via another one today. First time visit, First time comment!

  4. Ha! I'm so not a lurker, am I Zoey?

    Never been too shy to comment.


  5. Carol, Welcome!

    Hi Jenn. No, you don't seem to be shy. LOL

  6. I love your new cardinal profile, but then I loved the picture of you too!
    I used to be too shy to comment before I had a blog, so when the delurking week started a couple years ago, I got the nerve to comment. Sometimes it does give people the nerve!

  7. Honest, Zoey, I'd post more often, but you know I'm stuck with this awful, slooowwww dial up and it takes forever just to read the few blogs I do. If I posted a comment to every one, I'd be here all day and night! To all of you who post to Zoey's blog, I do try to read everyone's blog as time permits.

  8. Hi Zoe, I ahve been reading your blog for over a year now, have commented once previously - Mel in the UK. Always like to catch up with your happenings and see your pretty photos, so I don't miss a post. Keep up the good work, Mel

  9. Gee Zoey,
    Everytime I popped on, the post about the felt circles was the newest entry. You've been busy with posts!
    Your sewing and roses are lovely!

  10. Susie, I think you are right. A lot of people feel shy. Heck, I go to dozens of blogs and have never said anything.

    Giddy, I understand completely. Don't feel like you have to comment on every post, for goodness sake! In fact, I hate when people feel the need to do that. I had dial up until a year ago and I know it can give you headaches.

    Hi Mel, I do remember you, too. It's nice to know you are still stopping by!

    Dianne, that's what happens when I stay home for the weekend. Every time I take a break, I blog. LOL

  11. Hi Zoey! I've commented a few times. I use your mac/cheese recipe and my son declares it perfect (this from a 'box' guy). I try to read your blog at noon on my lunch hour for inspiration - you are so dear to keep up with your blog for all of us.
    I'm in Atlanta and find your Zone 5 so different from my own.

  12. Hi Zoey, I've been reading your blog for about 8 months now and I'm in awe of your decorating style, and your crafting, and your garden. I love the arrangement you made in your china cabinet with the lustre ware in peach. So pretty. I love lustre ware. I was amused to read that you have a pair of Vaseline candlesticks. I've never heard of them before. Is that truely their name?? Cheers Judy


I appreciate you taking the time and effort to leave a comment. I will try to answer any questions you have. Please note due to Blogger changing word verification so almost nobody can read it, I have had to change to no word verification and only allow registered users to comment.