Sunday, January 21, 2007

Finished the Paper Pieced Snowman Block Yesterday

I embroidered the facial features, used a large rick rack for the arms and added a few button embellishments as well as a flower on his hat.

I think he's cute. Now I just have to figure out how to design a quilt around him as the center block.

This morning I puttered around with it a bit. I added some borders, so it now looks like this:
I have no clue as to what I will do next.

I just got back from Wally's World where I saw my sister, 2 sisters-in-law, MIL, FIL and an uncle. I tell you, Sunday morning at Walmart is a socialite's dream in my town. LOL.

I bought some more clear storage bins for fabric--smaller ones this time for all the one-inch strips I have for log cabin quilts. I really don't seem to be getting anywhere in my quest to organize my fabric. I just keep buying bins, which take up just as much space as the previous boxes. Everything still looks like a big mess.

I've concluded that without a big exclusive space for quilting, I am always going to be living in the midst of a big mess.

That's just the way it is...


  1. Oh my goodness your snowman turned out really cute. He really came to life now that he has a face. Very cute. I'm reorganizing my scrapbook stuff . I think I got it all under control now:) Have a good day!

  2. How did you think of rickrack for his arms? You are so clever, Zoey!

  3. LOve Love the snowman he is so cute.
    I have learned not to go to Walmart without make up and hair fixed cause you never know who you are going to run into. Where did people see each other before WM??

  4. Thanks, everyone for the nice snowman comments.
    Laurie, I wish I had my fabric under control. I don't think it's ever going to happen unless I win the Mega lottery...

    Lostroses, it was the easy way out! LOL. I did not want to have to applique a tree branch!

    Pat, Isn't that the truth. It would be just my luck to go there looking like a bag lady and then run into tall, dark and dreamy! (well, at least in my memory! hee hee). YOu better believe I did my hair before I went!

  5. Hi Zoey,
    The snowman turned out so cute. Today, we've been reorganzing the freezers. At least it's warmer out today.
    Costco is the place where we always run into people, esp. on the first of the month (lots of fixed income people in this town!)

  6. So, Wally World is your big family gathering place too eh? lol Oh Zoey your snowman block is so darling, just love the way you embellished it too! I've been trying to reorganize my stuff too and buying plastic storage you said, I'm not noticing any big changes in how much space I have! lol Hugs xox

  7. Looks like Mister Snowman wants a big hug! So cute!!
    Oh yeah, I need about a gazillion more see-thru plastic storage bins for the stuff I can't seem to toss. I have tossed a lot, but I live with the motto that 'you may need it someday'. My friend is going to try and sell her collages, so I promised her 'stuff'.


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