Saturday, January 27, 2007

BBQ Country Spare Ribs

This was one of those meals that I wished I had invited someone over for dinner. It turned out so delicious! DH thought they were the best ribs we've ever had.

These were pork ribs.

Do you boil ribs before you cook them? I know a lot of people swear by the boil-before-you-bake method.

I don't. I am of the belief that boiling just removes flavor. It also dirties another pan and who wants extra clean up? Not me.

I just take them from the package and put them in a roaster & put salt and pepper on them. This time I put quite a bit of Emeril seasoning on also.

I put them in a 400 degree oven for about 40 minutes. The high temp is my way of getting a little browning action without taking an extra step on the stovetop. Then I turned the oven to 350 for one hour. Then I turned it to 225 for another 1.5 hours. I cooked them about 3 - 3.5 hours total. During the last hour I dump on our favorite BBQ sauce (Sweet Baby Rays). Since 225 degrees is not enough to brown the sauce, I stick them under the broiler for the last 10 minutes or so.

I also roasted these potatoes as well as carrots (way in the back).

The potato are sort of like French Fries, without frying. I seasoned them with Kosher salt, pepper, and paprika. Splash a little EVOO and stick in a 450 degree oven for about 20 minutes.

I put carrot sticks on a separate baking sheet and put them in the same oven for the same time. Before cooking I grated a bit of fresh ginger over them and sprinkled with salt/pepper and olive oil.

When they came out of the oven, I grated just a skosh of orange peel over the top.

All in all, I was happy with everything.

Except this little accident...OUCH! (If blood makes you squeamish (like it does me) don't look)

Gotta watch those sharp knives!!


  1. See! I knew there was a reason I rarely cook! Ewww, your poor finger. Though I would have been happy to have an invitation to share those yummy-looking ribs and veggies you made!

  2. Ow! Zoey! Quick, run cold water on it! (My mom's answer to everything)

    Hope your thumb (?) is feeling better today.

  3. The ribs look yummy. We always enjoy pork ribs more than beef. We slow cook ours in a roaster all day. Sorry about your Boo Boo :o(

  4. OOOOH, your ribs look yummy and you have given me another idea for a post. H is the quintessential "smoker". No, he smokes meat, not cigarettes. I'll have to get a pic of the "cow", his big smoker. Well, maybe when it warms up a bit! "-)

  5. Your meal does look delish...your finger, not so much-ouch!
    I do love ribs and fries like this too-one of my favorite meals, but I don't eat that that much. ; (

  6. I use to boil my ribs first and then cook them but the last couple of years I put them straight in the oven. I love the way you made them...I've always made my own sauce to put over them but I may try it the way you did them. The potatoes and carrots also look so yummy!! Ouch, hope your thumb heals fast!!

  7. Sweet Baby Ray's (hot) is my favorite sauce too. I love how you did the carrots too!
    That thumb looks painful...


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