Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jacuzzi Mermaid in Margaritaville

That's what I was this weekend.

Last Friday the weather was so nice that I couldn't resist a little getaway.

I decided to call and get reservations at that casino where we attended that play, Tina and Bob's wedding (or whatever it was called). I got a room with a jacuzzi for two nights.

We left as soon as I got out of work and drove for three hours. There was no play or anything special there this weekend. In fact it was not busy at all.

We got there about 7 p.m. on Friday night and we didn't go to bed until 4:00 a.m. We met a nice couple celebrating their anniversary and sat next to them and gambled most of the evening. We all laughed a lot. The other couple thought I was such fun to sit next to. I told them it was probably due to the three glasses of wine as I'm usually quite quiet and reserved.

On Saturday night after enjoying the jacuzzi, I wanted something festive and alcoholic to drink. I rarely drink alcohol, except for wine. Therefore, I know next to nothing about drinks.

I racked my brain to think of the name of something that sounded good. "Margarita" came to mind. Don't ask me why as I didn't even know what was in it. I ordered one anyway and mmmmm was it ever good! I think I have found an alcoholic drink I actually like. The tender asked, "Do you want the rim salted?" Of course, I did. That's about the only thing I knew about a margarita before I ordered it. I only had one, but I will certainly remember it the next time I get the urge to imbibe.

We left early this morning and were home by 11:00 a.m. I had to allow a little time to get some work accomplished in the house. I just scrubbed floors and spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV as I worked on my quilt block trivets.

It was a great weekend -- good fun, good company, good drinks, not-so-good food (my filet mignon was on the dry side, but DH enjoyed his T-bone). I won is good............I can't wait to go back!

(I left my camera home, so this is one of my very few posts without photos. That's a good thing because very few people would enjoy seeing me as a jacuzzi mermaid!)


  1. Sounds like a fun getaway. Margaritas and jacuzzis...all good!
    Scrubbing floors? Not quite as much fun..

  2. LOL-Jimmy Buffet would be envious. Glad you had fun and let your hair down-does a body good!
    Please get a Swiffer or something!

  3. you know the lure of the margarita! :)


  4. UH HUH , No camera. I guess what happens in Margaritaville stays in Margaritaville LOL.. Glad you had a good time its good let your hair down every now and then.
    Margaritas(sp) are my favorite drink (the frozen ones) I don't don't like alcohol but if I were to ever get hooked it would be on Marg.'s

  5. So glad you were able to get away...I'm thinking of going away myself for a couple of days, need the break!! I love going to the casino and a room with a jacyzzi is the best:-)

  6. Ah, it seems like everyone else has already discovered Margaritas! I am a late bloomer. :)

    Dianne, I've heard others say they like those Swiffer things. So far it's still hands and knees for me. I like to get those corners clean.

    Pea, Don't forget to try a Margarita if you go. :)

  7. Oh wow, sounds like you had some fun! Maybe it was best you left the camera at home this time? ;-)


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