Monday, December 25, 2006

Blogger is feeling the Joy of the Season

And is finally going to allow more pictures, so here is brother, Jeff. Quite the handsome devil, don't you think? I didn't get his wife, Veronica (except for the eating photo below. If you really squint your eyes you can see her waaaaaay in the background with the long hair).

And here is me and sister, Delynn. Sorry, Tammy, I had to crop you out. Trust me, you would not have wanted that picture seen by anyone. LOL. I really love this picture of me and Lynnie.
I didn't get a picture of all the food. I was too busy at the beverage counter making the slushes. This is the food area just when we were beginning to set it out. I used my woodland Father Christmas as the centerpiece. The two levels of counter worked splendidly. My mom gave me that linen skirting a few years ago and this is the first time I've used it.

Can you see the gardening tool Santa brought me? Look way in the back against the wall. It's a new short-handled shovel.

The jolly old guy was very good to me and seemed to know just the sort of things I love.

Not one, but TWO new sets of charger plates. One is black metal and the other marbled gold glass. I can't wait to set some new tables. I already have my next theme in mind--black/gold jungle theme. Today I will open that garnishing booklet to see what cute ideas are in it. And look at those Wilton checkerboard cake pans...will that be fun or what!


  1. What nice photos! I like the one of you and Lynnie too-and you wore pink like I did!
    I just sat down a little while ago and posted some of last night's photos. I need to get my gifts together to show you all.
    I think you got some excellent ones!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Lovely photos Zoey, especially the one of you and Lynnie and you 3 sisters with your mom. Glad you had such a fun day and that the slushes and fudge were a hit.
    You sure did well at the sales! Time to relax now. I'm looking forward to a nice quiet week.

  3. What beautiful family pictures! Thanks for sharing them. What a fudge day you had too LOL.
    Hope that sauce was okay :) I enede up tasting a much better one a few days later. The brownies and fudge look to die for!



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