Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Zoey Says........................

It is not wise to eat chips and dip while 'putin'.


  1. ha ha ha ha haha ha ha heheheheh!

  2. What kind of dip???
    I just read of someone who spilt split pea soup on their keyboard! Talk about mess!

  3. Zoey,
    Would you mind if I posted the picture & recipe for the mummy spread? I won't use it if you would prefer I not.
    (I'd email you, but I don't have your address!)

  4. Hey at least it was dip and not bird poop! lol I'm slowly making my way through the blogs and catching up on all the posts I missed while I was away! Love the pictures of you in your witch and clown costume! hehe Thanks also for the recipes...how I love that mummy spread! lol Those apple muffins also look so yummy!!!

  5. Sue, no problem. It's not mine anyway. :) Are you going to make it?

  6. Zoey, I'm just catching up on your blog again and I want to tell you how much I enjoy it. I grew up in Michigan and am now 1000's of miles away. Your garden is so beautiful and the fall color is spectacular. It looks like something out of a magazine.

    I also wanted to congratulate you on 1000 posts. Amazing! And to think that I was just congratulating myself on 100. How silly!

  7. Hubby has a habit of spilling coffee all over the house. He fried a keyboard not too long ago and I bought a wireless one and I don't like it one bit. It can't type as fast as I can!

    Zoey, my blog today is for you - check it out.

  8. Been there. Done that. Got it on my T-shirt, too.

  9. Oh oh!
    (I'm just seeing if I can write a short comment) :)

  10. la gringa, Thanks for coming by again. You certainly should celebrate your 100th post. Celebrate the small milestones on the way to the big ones...in other words, enjoy the journey because that's what life is made of.

    . . . excuse me while I get down from the pulpit now.....

    Thanks to all of you for popping in today. Hope your Wednesday is wonderful.

  11. Zoey you are the best. Love your sense of humour!!! TWT

  12. Zoey, you are like my husband! He used red wine!


  13. What fantastic Halloween recipes! My keyboard needs a huge housecleaning due to accidents like this one!



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