Thursday, October 26, 2006

Sultress of Her Kingdom

So, what do you all think of my little kitties?
Hee hee.
I am always seeing pics of everyone and their cats.
I thought I would show you me and mine.
Kerri, we thought Murphy had big paws....LOL.

It's too early in the morning. I think I need more coffee.

My Thanksgiving catcus started blooming about two weeks ago.

Do you think maybe it's Canadian?


  1. LOL Zoey I love your kitties... I bet they would keep your voles and other critters away.

    By the way you look very sexy in your outfit:)

  2. Zoey,
    Those are some huge housecats! I wouldn't want to clean their litterbox or have them sitting on my lap while I watched TV. Loved your outfit!
    I call my plant like that a Christmas Cactus and it always blooms around Christmas!

  3. Zoey, have you ever been to this blog:

    She reminds me of you in her interests and ability to whip something together when she gets inspiration, such as this:

    I don't see it in your blogroll, so perhaps it's new to you.

  4. Sue, I always thought this was a Christmas cactus, too. I found out there are two different types, one that blooms closer to TG like mine and the other at Christmas. YOu can tell them apart by the flatness of the leaves or something...can't remember all the details.
    Kathy, Thanks. I will have to check it out. I read a lot of blogs that are not on my blogroll, but that one does not sound familiar. By the way, my boss said he bought the camera at Cabala's.

  5. HA! The elephant would make some excellent fertilizer for your flowers. : ) Is that your Halloween costume this year?

    Here's the link to the Olive Garden's Chicken Roma. I thought it was spinach and it's argula. And be sure to check out their recipe link too.

  6. Dianne, Thanks. I will go check it out.

    No, it's not my costume. It's not even my body! LOL. It's just my face pasted into that bod.

    So, Pat, that sexy bod isn't even mine!

  7. Interesting, Dianne. That recipe uses 4 cheeses, no mushrooms and no ham. Very different than ours, but it does look good. Thanks again for posting the link.

  8. Geez, I'd hate to see your guard dog!!! hehe I'm still giggling at the cute! And where's Ali Baba when you need him??? It was so interesting to see your Thanksgiving cactus...had never heard of that before!! Very beautiful though!!

  9. You crack me up Zoey!

  10. You are toooo funny! What a creative mind you have. After seeing the pic of your cactus, I ran to see what mine was doing and sure enough, it has tiny little buds on it!

  11. Zoey, you looks very good!

    I have the same photo but with the head of my sun in law.


  12. Your kitties are great. I especially like your "Duma."

  13. LOL....yep the cactus must be Canadian! You are a brave one with those kitties and elephant ;)


  14. Do you have a magic carpet Zoey!!??

  15. Blogger wouldn't let me comment when I was here last. I'd have to say those paws are probably bigger than Murphy's :) Very pretty kittys Zoey, but I think perhaps having all those pets might cut into your computer time...especially the elephant!
    You look stunning in white satin :)


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