Friday, August 4, 2006

Saving My Wall Planters

I have three wall planters that have a very small soil area. These guys need watering a couple of times each day.

Monday and Tuesday it was so hot here that they surely would have died if I had not had the good sense to put them in the garage before I left.

I put all three in the garage inside a wheelbarrow with about an inch of water in the bottom. Three and a half days later, all the water was gone & they looked just fine.

I also brought my six huge hanging baskets in the garage as they need multiple waterings every day. They did not get any water while in there, but they, too, looked great when I got home.

Due to my very wise horticultural decision making, I was able to enjoy this tasty whitefish meal without worry

and this garlic cheese bread with marinara sauce was to dieeeeeeeee for.........
I opted for two pieces of the cheesy bread rather than even open that HUGE potato.

This was the view out the window at the table

Unfortunately I am now back to my real life.

As soon as I hit the "publish post" button, I shall be grabbing a bucket of soapy water and dropping to my hands and knees to scrub the kitchen floor before it gets too hot.

Welcome to my real world - LOL.


  1. Welcome back, Zoe!! Take those high heels off before you start scrubbin'!!!

  2. Hi,Zoey, my plants in the buckets are all gone, it was too hot. I've put them on the compost.
    Your meal looks so good, I'm hungry now.


  3. Yummy looking meal, and such a lovely view.
    My kitchen floor beckons too...
    c ya!

  4. Welcome back! I like your bridge shots. And your meal does look delicious.
    Why were you in this area?
    Good idea about the plants-this week I seem to be pushing them further and further under the bushes in the shade.

  5. Well, now I'm hungry!

    It's a good thing you thought about those plants before you took off and left them in this heat.

  6. Hi Zoey,welcome back looks like you had fun on your vacation and that cheesy garlic bread yummmmy.


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