Monday, August 21, 2006

Just Hanging Around

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  1. what a beautiful shot!

  2. You really captured him perfectly! At the San Diego Zoo they have (or had)? a big area where you can walk in among hummingbirds. (it's an enclosed area)
    They have many different species...

  3. Thanks, Sandy.

    Sue, I was so close to this one, she almost brushed my cheek with her wings. It made me jump back and, of course, blur the shot.

  4. WOW, WOW, WOW , the pace of those wings .
    i've so enjoyed your humming bird pictures . (and your garden ..its lik peeking over someones back fence )

  5. This has got to be the best humingbird shots I've seen. Zoey, you're magnificent with that camera.

  6. Wow, great shot of the hummingbird and the butterflies in the previous post.

  7. Oh my, what an amazing shot you got!! It's gorgeous, you can see every detail!

  8. Awwwww, shucks, thank you," says Zoey, as she blushingly accepts the compliments.

    Don't let my false modesty fool you-- I am quite ecstatic that I finally got some decent hummer shots. I've been trying for 3 years. It's not easy to get a shot that is not blurred. When it finally happens, I also get hummer moth shots in the same photo shoot! I am so giddy I can barely control myself! It's all I can do to keep from boring you to death by posting them all!

    So I do hope you like seeing them and I sincerely thank you all for your nice comments.

    7:55 AM

  9. Wow! This is the most incredible shot of a hummingbird that I have ever seen. You have a true gift.


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