Sunday, January 1, 2006

A relaxing 1st day of 2006

I have spent the whole day lounging around on the sofa,watching Fox TV & working on my denim quilt. I have only 3 more blocks to quilt and then it is ready to be bound.

I just took a cup-of-tea break and flipped through some quilting magazines. I found a cute Christmas tree skirt that I may make next. I have about as many king-size quilts as I can store (although I still have two more waiting to be finished). I am not in the mood to tackle a big project, so I am looking for smaller items to keep me entertained.

Last night I had my Mom & Dad over for a New Year's Eve dinner of ham, twice-baked potatoes, & candied carrots. That is about the extent of our celebration. We were in bed long before midnight. DH and I are not party people so it suited us just fine.

Dinner tonight will be something easy--I am thinking Kraft mac and cheese and tossed salad. It does not get much easier than that.

All in all, a nice beginning to the new year.


  1. I hope you both have a wonderful and happy New Year.

  2. We have Kraft macoroni and cheese here in Australia too. I usually keep some in the pantry for my daughter to cook if she wants a snack. Yum!


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