Friday, December 23, 2005

The Christmas Trees are Down

at work, that is. It felt strange to take them down before Christmas.

I took the 3 in the banquet rooms down Thursday because the Christmas parties are finished and the room will be decorated for a big New Year's Eve party next week (we hire a decorator to do that).

I am taking next week off, so I had to get it done. I did not want to leave it for others to do because they tend to just throw everything in a big heap in a box, and I like it done a certain way...getting pretty picky in my old age :)

I survived the cookie exchange. I actually didn't use either of the two I intended to give. I made choc/peanut butter drops and chocolate revel bars. One of the ladies told me today that her husband just loved the revel bars, so I felt pretty good.

I just finished making a dessert to take to my family gathering tomorrow. Now I just have to think of something to take to the inlaws on Sunday, make that, and I will be done baking for awhile.

I hope all of you have your gifts wrapped, your baking done and you are ready to enjoy the holiday weekend.


  1. I hope you have a wonderful time!

  2. Wow-that must have felt strange, but like you, I like to do things in a certain way and you don't want the ornaments to get ruined. I thought Christmas trees were part of New Year's celebrations. Oh well. ; )
    Have a great time with your family over the next few days.

  3. Hi there Zoey, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2006 for you and your family!


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