Monday, October 10, 2005

Sunday Day Trip

I rarely stay home for an entire weekend. During nice weather, DH and I like to take little day trips almost every weekend. (It is one of the benefits of being aging empty nesters!) I am a very early riser, so Sunday I got all my housework done before 8 a.m. and we were off by 9 a.m. I was hoping for some nice fall color, but there really wasn't much. I can't tell if we are a week away from "The Peak", or if we aren't going to get much color this year.

So I had a lovely weekend. Saturday night's wedding was very nice as was Sunday's day trip. And I have not had to cook dinner since Thursday! Although I did some baking Saturday -- banana cake and pound cake.

This is a rest stop with a nice view of Lake Huron

This is the Mackinac Bridge. Of course, they are doing construction on it. I have never gone over it in the summer months when they weren't doing something to impede the traffic flow.

Have you heard of Mackinac Island? The Grand Hotel? No cars--only horses... famous for fudge. A Christopher Reeve movie was made there, but I forgot the name. 'Somewhere in Time' sort of sticks in my mind, but that could be totally wrong...I almost never watch movies. (I bet Dianne knows as she seems to be really up on movies!)I am just wondering how far away people know of this Island. Anyway, that is Mackinac Island out in the distance.

The Mackinac Bridge connects Michigan's two penninsulas

This is called 'Castle Rock'. It is a huge natural rock formation. You can walk up to the top and there is a viewing deck up there. We did not walk it yesterday, but we have many times. You need to be in pretty good shape to climb this rock without using the resting benches provided every 50 steps or so.


  1. Ha! I worked on Mackinac Island one college summer, at the Murray Hotel. We called the tourists "fudgies" because they all bought fudge--never mind that we did, too! I got to ride around the island's perimeter on a borrowed bike, but I was never on the bridge. I took the ferry to the island. I remember going to the Grand Hotel for afternoon tea. I also learned about these certain fossil-like stones that were found only in Traverse City (Petoskey stones?). I also learned about wealthy hotel owners trying to swindle their workers, and what it's like to be a maid and a waitress and low-man-in-the-kitchen. I've been a heavy tipper ever since! Have you ever been there when the lilacs were in bloom? I always thought it would be a great place to take a family on vacation.

    I made the mistake of not allowing more than 24 hours between when I left and when I had to be back in college. Not only was I still fatigued from traveling, but I was very unused to vehicle traffic. I crossed the street as if I owned it, and nearly got run over. On Mackinac Island you could do that, because even horse traffic was infrequent.

  2. Here is a good link for those unfamiliar with this little 9-mile-around island:

  3. Kathy, What a small world! Yes, indeed, the tourists are always referred to as "fudgies". I have not been there during the lilac festival either. Maybe I should put that on next year's agenda.

  4. Great link, Kathy. Those photos are beautiful.

  5. I have never seen 'Somewhere in Time' but I did know that Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour were in it. I remember my father-in-law had seen it on cable and loved it.
    I found this on a CR page:
    Richard Collier of Chicago, Illinois registered as a guest on June 27, 1912. He returns to his room, lies down on the bed and tries again. This time, he is transported back to the Grand Hotel of 1912. He marvels at his surroundings and, in one of my favorite scenes, he meets the young Arthur playing with a ball in the hotel lobby (just as the old desk clerk had told him). After a search, he locates Elise McKenna (Seymour), who greets him with the question "Is it you?"

    Richard also encounters her handler, W.H. Robinson, (Plummer) who is clearly unsettled by his presence and threatens to have him put out of the hotel. He pursues Elise with 1970's forthrightness and eventually convinces her to spend the afternoon with him. Before their date occurs another of my favorite scenes: Richard registers at the hotel and is given the key to room 420. He spends a few anxious moments before the desk clerk corrects his error and gives him the key to room 416 - the room he had signed for in the old guest book. Richard and Elise spend the afternoon walking and riding around Mackinac Island. They discuss Robinson who had warned Elise that she would meet a man who would change her life. At one point, Elise admires Richard's pocket watch and asks where it came from. He replies "It was given to me." This reminds me of one of the understated scenes in Superman: The Movie when Lois Lane asks Superman who he is and he responds simply "A friend".

    Thanks for sharing your weekend trip. Maybe I can get my husband moving more when we are 'empty nesters'.

  6. Dianne,
    you are a wealth of information! Thanks.

  7. Zoey, I was sure that I had sent this comment to you but I see it's not there. Perhaps I'm not getting through either now. Certainly don't want to lose touch.

    I had heard of the Mackinac Bridge but didn't know where it led. You do have some lovely trip to do in your locality. Doesn't a water view make all the difference? We live about 2 hours drive from the coast although we do have a lake (dammed up Molonglo River) in the centre of the city but it's only a mere puddle compared to Lake Huron. Still, it makes for some very pleasant picnic and leisure spots around town.

  8. Zoey
    You have a fantastic blog and you take cute photos too.

  9. Hi Alice, I still get notification of your emails. Maybe blogger was down the first time you tried.
    Jac, thank you.


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