Thursday, September 1, 2005

Oh, my, I am dead tired. Since getting home from work at 3:30 p.m., I have been cooking, baking, did a load of laundry and vacuumed. I baked two different kinds of oatmeal/raisin cookies, doctored up some jarred spaghetti sauce with fresh tomatoes that I slow-roasted last night for three hours, threw in some basil, celery, onions, garlic - voila -- "homemade" sauce. Not that I mind the jarred the sauce. I only did all the extra work so I could use up the tomatoes my neighbor and family members have so generously shared with me. I can see why people don't bake much anymore. It took two hours to make the two kinds of cookies. The worst part was cleaning up the kitchen--what a mess - counters full of dishes...bits of gunk all over the floor--no wonder people just buy them at the store. I am glad it is all done and I have a little time to relax on the computer. I made the cookies for my boss. He did something nice earlier in the summer and said all he wanted for payment was a big tin of homemade oatmeal/raisin cookies. That was at least six weeks ago (so long ago that neither of us can remember what it was he did!). Every now and then we mention that the cookies have never materialized, so tonight I decided to finally get them made. I hope he likes them. There is nothing too exciting happening in the garden this week. I did find this cute little green frog atop the phlox earlier in the week.


  1. Ohhhh....he is cute. HOLY MOLY were busy. Makes my day seem like I did absolutely nothing...wait a minute, I DID do nothing. LOL Great pic


  2. I was also running around today from 12:15 until 7 tonight!
    Baking is my favorite kitchen activity, but I only really bake at Christmastime and when the mood strikes. I'm sure your boss will adore the cookies.
    Cute frog shot! We have tons of them around our yard this year for some reason.

  3. Love the frog! Did you rest with a nice glass of wine after?

  4. No wine.............too tired to hold up the glass..........LOL.

  5. I want to know if your boss liked the cookies. I thought he was pretty fortunate to be getting them, seeing as neither of you could remember why he deserved them!

  6. LOL Kathy! I am sure he deserved them. He does many nice things. I remembered that I said I would make them, but still don't remember why. Yes, he did like them.


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