Tuesday, July 26, 2005

It was a wonderfully cool day today. It rained early in the day and the temperature stayed in the 70 degree range, which was quite nice for a change of pace. I did not even have to water tonight (the second day this week that I did not have to). I noticed tonight that my arbor baskets are finally filling out so that they are almost completely covered. If you have been reading my blog for long, you know that one of my pet peeves is baskets or containers that show. I want full, full, full bunches of flowers so that you cannot see what they are contained in. This basket is not quite there, but much better than it has been.


  1. Beautiful as usual. I always enjoy your photos. You have quite an eye.

  2. The nurseries just love you I'm sure!

  3. Really, miss... you do such a good job coordinating plants and containers that you shouldn't worry so much if the container shows.

    Always looks lovely.

  4. Great planters, don't worry from the photos I see on your site you have a wonderful yard and lots of talent.

  5. Beautiful arbor and flowers. I love your site Zoey and your talents are wonderful. I am a big fan of your site and have been coming back and checking it out for a couple of years now.


  6. taracotta, thank you so much for the nice comment. I am glad I finally got to meet you out there in cyber space.


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