Monday, March 11, 2024

Fabric Carrots for Easter Decor

This year I made fabric carrots and had so much fun with them!
I put them on top of my largest hutch with a few wooden bunnies that my late uncle made.
I added a few real eggs that I decorated at least 25 years ago. It amazes me that they have lasted this long. I break a few each year, but luckily I made dozens of them.
I made lots of bunnies that I have scattered around.
This year I bought some new pillow covers and I thrifted that cake stand a few ago. It worked perfectly for the bunny vignette.
Even though I am not hosting an Easter event, I have still been enjoying these two rooms for the past weeks. I just do it for Hubs and myself and now to share with anyone who stumbles across my blog.