Monday, February 25, 2013

Would You Stay Overnight in a Haunted Lighthouse Crew Quarters?


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DH and I were given a gift certificate to spend the night at this lighthouse in Michigan's upper peninsula.  We will sleep in the old Coast Guard crew quarters that have been turned into a bed/breakfast to raise funds for the preservation of lighthouses.  The place looks pretty calm and serene, don't you agree?

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Through the years, close to 100 tragic deaths have been reported along the shoreline near this lighthouse, including the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald where 29 men were lost in a violent November storm on Lake Superior in 1975.
The following are images of the Edmund Fitzgerald, many of which have never been published before.
These old Coast Guard crew quarters are reported to be haunted.  Even though the ghosts are said to be friendly, I am a bit skittish about sleeping here!  The ghosts combined with trying to sleep two in a double bed (I have slept in a king since I was 18 years old--I need my space!) is making me wonder if I really want to do this.
On the other hand, I have never seen a ghost.  If one decided to visit on the night I was there, it would certainly be a unique experience!
What would you do?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


We have been having rainy days with freezing nights causing dangerous travel on our roads.  Our schools have been closed more than they have been opened lately.
I go to work, come home and hibernate until the next morning when I have to go to work again.  This makes for a very dull Zoey!
I have no desire to cook, bake or clean any more than is necessary, so all I've been doing on my time off is putter with my sewing machine.  In the past seven days I  have made all of these blocks--everything from 3-inch snowmen to Valentines and  Halloween witches. 
On Sunday I made six of the witch blocks to use for dining room chair backs next October.  I will be adding more to these--just not sure what yet.  I have no idea what I will do with all the other blocks.

When I wasn't sewing on Sunday, I was wrapped in  a quilt reading old quilting magazines while watching Food TV.  It was a cozy, stressless day.  I need more of those!